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Auto-Immune and Connective Tissue Difficiencies

User Profile: lucyxyyvan
lucyxyyvan April 11th, 2015

who else here suffers from auto-immune or connective tissue difficiencies?
i seem to struggle with every day life, suffering from collagen difficiencies.

User Profile: Luverofanimals
Luverofanimals April 11th, 2015

Hi. This is the 3rd time Im trying to respond to your post. Both the other messages were pretty long telling u about the issues I've had to deal with and what I'm currently dealing with and they got accidentally deleted "( I'm so frustrated that I want to throw my iPad across the room lol "( . So, I'm gonnatry to make this short and to the point quicker ") I'm new to this site and was getting ready to post asking if there was anyone to chat with that deals with chronic illnesses. For some reason I read your post and figured there was a reason why I saw your post. I don't think that anyone can understand the depression, fears, anxietys, anger, sadness, guilt and loneliness the same way unless they've had to deal with being sick themselves. I don't tell many people about my problems & depression to begin with but when I have I usually hear the same thing (among many other things I'm sure you've also heard).... " wow, I can't even imagine what it must be like to live in your shoes" . So, I stuff my depression inside me which is getting worse & worse regardless of the meds I'm taking (antidepressants) & how hard I've been praying to get better emotionally. I am going thru such a horrible time and I don't know what to do. Maybe you can help me because I can't seem to help myself this time "(. My name is Melissa and I've been sick almost my entire life. I won't go into my life's history right now because it's almost hard to believe...but my current problems are also auto immune, connective, inflammatory diseases. I have Lupus & Anti-phospholipid disease (both autoimmune) which I've been dealing with & suffering from for about 15 yrs. I've had to take awful drugs for them and am currently on Steroids which I haven't been able to get off of and have wreaked havoc on my body (to name a few...depression, bad osteoporosis & cataracts on the backs of my eyes). But, what broke my body and soul is that I also suffer from RSD/CRPTS(a nerve disease) that was triggered by an epidural given to me the wrong way. This disease put me thru Pure HELL & now along with all my other crap, I also have to deal with chronic nerve pain & spasms (which spread to my entire upper body because it wasn't treated correctly) that are so horrible that I can't function without major pain medication 24/7. My skin can't be touched , I scream uncontrollably from the spasms, can't lay down or do any of the things I use to b able to do and I don't know how to deal with it anymore. I may b too much for u to deal with lol and totally understand if u don't want to respond . I'm too much for ME to deal with these days which is why mu depression is so bad right now that I just want to disappear. I'll be happy to try to help u by listening and understanding exactly what u go thru and that's not easy to find .....

1 reply
User Profile: lucyxyyvan
lucyxyyvan OP April 16th, 2015

if you have kik, you can private message me about your health at lucyxyyvan c: 7cups really needs a better messaging system!

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User Profile: Katheryn
Katheryn April 11th, 2015

I struggle with a variety of autoimmune diseases and their not so lovely side effects and symptoms. I've been diagnosed with Addison's disease and also suffer from autoimmune thyroiditis (Also called Hashimoto's). So basically my immune system attacks my thyroid and adrenal glands, among other things.

User Profile: Jaelin
Jaelin April 15th, 2015

Chronic Pain and Illness Group support Discussion

To Be Held on Wednesday, April15th, at11pmEST In the Pop up Guided Discussion room!.
Now this is just the first, we want to see how many people are interested. Depending on the turnout this will just be the first in a series of discussionsand it may become a regular thing, also we may switch up times. Thank you. If you have question or comments pleasepstthem inthis thread

Much love,

Listener andSpoonie,Jaelinand@HiddenGrace

@Lucyxyyvan @Luverofanimals

User Profile: Kristynsmama
Kristynsmama April 16th, 2015

I have so many autoimmune diseases I've almost lost count. Here is my list:

Multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, celiac disease, Rhumatoid arthritis, and I fluctuate between Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease. I also have fibromyalgia. It is undetermined if fibromyalgia is autoimmune.
