To the person, struggling to accept their disability
An open letter to those struggling to accept their disability
Dear person,
I want you to know that I’m proud of you for doing the best you can although you’re worn out and you feel like you’ve had enough and you feel like the struggle doesn’t end.
I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone, we’ve been through that struggle where we struggle to accept who we are because of the barrier society put in front of us.
i’m here to tell you there’s nothing wrong with who you are and you are amazing just the way you are and you don’t have to change your thing the world could change your heart after all broken crayons could be used to make the world a colorful place just like we can with our abilities that could help others connect with diversity and inclusion. You are here for a reason keep writing your story keep shining your light the world needs it in the world that is often overlooked by darkness and sadness. Just know that you and I’m rooting for you sincerely, country girl, 95.
Thanks for your words of encouragement!
Those were really kind words, thanks for helping support peeps
@Countrygirl095 ❤❤ awww thankyou so much ❤❤ God made everything beautiful in its own way ❤
@Countrygirl095 Thank you.
@Countrygirl095 this is a tough one hey. I know I have ADHD and Dyslexia but I didn't realise until recently that I am also on the spectrum. It kinda sucks but it's also a relief. My life makes more sense now and I get why I struggle with friendships and dishonesty and why everything has been such a fight.
Given that I put myself in the wheelchair... No, I don't think I can ever accept myself again, let alon my disability.
Maybe God wanted me to learn humility. Maybe I am just bad at making decisions.
Thank you for such lovely words, it actually got me emotional ♡
Thank you for the wonderful post 😊😊 I truly struggle with my disability so much irl. This was very uplifting.
Thank you I have adhd, autism and tics and sometimes they are hard to accept especially the tics because they can be very embarrassing and loud and very inappropriate, I have been bullied all my life for the way that act because I act younger than many people my age, also people bully me when I go non verbal calling me horrible names and stuff cos all I can do is make noises im not able to talk. I wish people would just try and understand
@sammysfight Hi Sammy, thanks for sharing. have you seen this post here it may help to know others have the same difficulties too.
Listening - One Step At A Time!