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Newly blind

SunshineCheyenne93 January 10th

So thanks to an auto immune disorder I am now blind. It mimics macular degeneration. Thanks to this disorder, I am now a stay at home mom to a 7yo and a 4mo. My husband is the soul income provider. It’s definitely been a challenging thing for all of us having to adjust. Ive thought of seeing a therapist in regards to my blindness, but also Im not even sure how to go about it. What are some ways you have adjusted to being blind or disabled?

adventurousBranch3786 January 11th

@SunshineCheyenne93. I’m not blind but became disabled about 10 years ago. It has been a very difficult adjustment. I didn’t have small children either. So I can only imagine how much more difficult that would be. It is definitely a loss so I think there is grieving involved. I have found organizations for my disability to be helpful for support and finding resources. It may be helpful to check out organizations for the blind. I learned some things here at 7cups that had helped me.  Hearing about other people struggles and disabilities had helped me to feel less alone. Not being too hard on myself for the things I can’t do anymore is very important also. I even find telling myself “I’ll get the this” helpful. 

I became blind a little over a year ago. It has been a rough journey relearning life. I was so lucky to find a grant funded program that taught me some basics. I mostly learned orientation and mobility (white cane skills and using my other senses) as well as technology (phone, tablet and computer access).

The National Federation of the Blind has many resources in the USA. Hadley offers free braille courses.

Some useful apps are Be My Eyes and Seeing AI.

Going blind is isolating and traumatic. You literally have to rewire your brain to understand and navigate the world. You are not alone!