What's your disability?
I have a learning disability.
What is the most difficult part of your disability?
For me its being slow when my brain sometimes either moves toooo fast or not fast enough and I have to take longer on stuff.
I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hypermobility type), sinus tachycardia (cause unknown), and some form of gastrointestinal issues that are being looked into, as well as mixed anxiety and depression disorder and autism spectrum disorder
@TransKiddo im suspected to have hypermobile eds, and i have tachycardia too! i have something called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and myalgic encephalomylitis :)
I have a mental illness. I had my first break in 2006 and I was officially diagnosed in 2013,
I am 80% deaf in both of my ears.
I have a mild form of mental retardation.
Left side hemiplagia Cerebral Palsy, and a learning Disability
Hi I'm 37 have quad CP...use motorized chair have my 2nd service dog Suka. Been seperated from my husband for 2 years we are working on stuff but its a lot
@writer4life414 I'm so glad you and your husband are working on things that's how it should be.
I have hearing loss and I have been a avoiding wear my heard aids because I am a fear of what some people are going to say or think about me.
Hearing aids will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. and a lot of people think they're cool :)
I'm profoundly deaf, trust me, they make a difference.
@greenPlace3621 I think hearing aids are cool :)
I've got chronic migraines which when it out of control im stuck in bed and totally useless
I get bad migraines as Well.
@Fireskye13 ... sorry to hear this. Hope your migraines are controlled
Thanks I appreciate that. I hope your doing Well. I use CBD to help mine. I sincerely hope you find a way to help yours. Feel better soon.
I am hearing impaired. I lost 80% of my hearing.
I have Adenomyosis (similar to Endometriosis) so basically the uterine lining doesn't just coat the uterus but also grows into it, so it's really really painful during that time of the month. Don't let anyone ever belittle severe period pain because that's how most people don't get diagnosed till their 30s! I now take birth control pills to manage the hormone imbalances (I used to have such bad hormone swings that I'd become borderline suicidal the day before my period) and cramps and heavy bleading (look up "Menstrual Cup" if you don't know what it is. it's amazing)
I also have a processing disorder (I read and think slow so I need double time on tests)
And Prosopagnosia (facial blindless) so basically i can't remember whole faces and it's hard to tell faces apart. I have to use cues like body mannerisms or facial features that stand out to tell people apart, which takes time to memorize so i don't remember people after seeing them once. Im also terrible with names so i often offend people unintentionally when i can't remember who they are even after being in several classes with them. I also forget most names after a few months to a year of not using the name, so that offends a lot of people unintentionally
...and then i spend 99% of my time studying to keep a 4.0GPA in an engineering program and people say they envy my life .-.
i think what bothers me most though is just not knowing whether im even allowed to feel upset because there are good things in my life that others don't have...
@ReclusiveReptile I think it's totally ok to be upset with some things, but it can also be beneficial to remind ourselves of the things we are grateful for. Just because some things are good doesn't mean that it isn't valid to not be happy about other things in our lives.
I often think the same way.,