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User Profile: brokenangel04
brokenangel04 January 10th, 2022

Hello everyone, I'm brokenangel04. I have an autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia and dysautonomia. I have been pulled from working since 2017. My physical health has destroyed my mental health which destroyed my marriage. Ive tried literally everything. I hate narcotics or opiates so I don't take those. But the pain is soooo bad some days that I can't even get out of bed. Aside from therapy whether group or individual what has helped those of you who suffer from chronic pain? Im going to start thi chi this year and maybe some yoga.

User Profile: anonyLemon4233
anonyLemon4233 January 11th, 2022

I'm sorry to hear :(

I suffer from fibromyalgia and major depression etc and they really love to be companions...

At moment depression is my main priority but when lack of sleep and anxiety were prevailing I had found cbd oil helped me as I could function better as well.

I also find I need regular very very gentle massages especially since my chiropractor retired. Reflexology helped me (when it's a very good one).

I've stopped all activities mainly now due to hopelessness but tai chi I used to love

Choose yoga classes well - with an instructor who is fully aware of what fibro is and who doesn't push you. Some classes were just too difficult for me so I chose to attend with an instructor who was used to working gently with elderly people.

May you find relief from the pain!

User Profile: anonyLemon4233
anonyLemon4233 January 11th, 2022


User Profile: brokenangel04
brokenangel04 OP January 11th, 2022

Thank you. I use CBD as well. I also use THC as well for really bad days. But thanks on the suggestions woth yoga. I suppose it would help if the instructor knew about fibro. My chiropractor refuses to touch my back or hips anymore because of the bone deterioration.. im looking forward to Tai chi.

Sending gentle hugs to you

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User Profile: anonyLemon4233
anonyLemon4233 January 11th, 2022

Wish you well. Gentle hug to you

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