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ClassicSher March 2nd, 2023

Hello all. Fairly new here 30s female, dealing with chronic illness and found this site while looking for support/community groups. Just introducing myself. Long complicated medical story but have genetic and autoimmune conditions and had to go on disability shortly after finishing my MA so that was hard career wise and focused on relationships but currently single past year and half living with family just looking for people that can relate to invisible disability and I have no clear road map for what to expect anymore but I try to stay positive. Glad to "meet" you all.

16peacefulBraveheart01 March 2nd, 2023

Glad to meet you too dear 💖

magneticShoulder3193 March 2nd, 2023


Welcome to 7Cups! We’re happy you’re here :)

adventurousBranch3786 March 2nd, 2023

@ClassicSher Nice to meet you!

AffyAvo March 3rd, 2023

@ClassicSher Welcome! I can definitely relate I have a number of invisible illnesses plus some visible ones.

Mashedpotato364 March 14th, 2023


Hi nice to meet you and welcome 🙂 fellow 30s invisible illness person here🙋‍♀️

That sounds like a really tough decision after putting so much work and effort in. It's hard to be single and even know how to go about dating. I know I want a partner and someone to snuggle in the down times but sometimes wonder what I really have to offer. Wondering if you can relate as well? Anyway I hope to see you around and am open to talking more if you want

🤗 hugs (if wanted)