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Disability Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post as often as you like!

Ketsuki December 3rd, 2014

Worried about the future. I'm scared of making the next move so I freeze, and nothing happens. I sometimes feel this conflict between trying to make a start on my life and telling myself "I can do this" and then the next day or even hour, I feel petrified by the enormous task ahead of me.

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MissAnn007 March 19th, 2015

Ketsuki, I have also felt that way and when I've been successful at lifting that feeling, it's because I have had enough rest, enough to eat, and have decided to take just one step toward a goal, instead of thinking about the whole goal. That one step can inspire me to take one more step. I pray the same for you, that you have the energy and courage to take a step, and that you can enjoy that step when you take it.

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MMs January 23rd, 2015

cryingTired of my disabilities and chronic pain controlling my life! Iwant my life back!

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MissAnn007 March 19th, 2015

Me too. I want more good days, more good parts of days. I want more good moments to which I can pin hope. It's not enough to survive. I hear you.

GGCGrizzlyGirl2015 June 18th, 2015

I feel ya. ..I've been diagnosed with quite a bit, including chronic migraines, and i understand how hard it can get. Try thinking this way: only worry about ten seconds at a time. Count to ten whenever it gets hard, and you've survived! It makes everything a lot easier to handle, and seem just a little less intimidating. I wish you the best of luck!

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LavenderPanther March 6th, 2015

Scared, alone, hopeless, and in pain... Always, always in pain

1 reply
MissAnn007 March 19th, 2015

Panther, I am very sorry to hear that you are in pain and alone. I have been there. I don't know which is worse -- the pain or feeling alone with the pain. I have found that the alone part is curable. I am saying a prayer for you right now, that you will know you are not alone. Please feel free to reach out if you want to chat.

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MissAnn007 March 19th, 2015

I feel lousy. I have bullies at my condo complex who park in my handicapped space and who stalk me to harass me. They were out again today.

1 reply
wonderfulMagic99 March 19th, 2015

Sorry to hear that, I would feel extremely frustrated if I had to deal with that. Do you have any recourse you can use regarding the parking space?

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organticNight25 January 21st, 2016

I feel great today :)

Birdwatching April 11th, 2016

I don't know how I feel today. I've been trying to find the words to describe but I have nothing. I guess it's not a bad thing

LikeTheLotusFlower April 16th, 2016

Terrible. In so much pain from migraine.

Birdwatching April 16th, 2016

Med's got changed not feeling as much pain, yesterday I bought 2 cement lions and a bird bath to start my project , next trip to lowes. Mom stressed me first thing before I was awake, after she got what she wanted she was fine . Now I'm stiff, wobbly and dizzy, if she wasn't my mother and her age I would love to slap her upside the head with a 2x4. Not to hurt her just to say hey stop .

Colorfulrain April 21st, 2016

I feel like a burden on everyone. They have to do things for my that a normal 18 year old could do on their own. I hate that I have to depend on them to drive me places because I can't drive. They have to pay extra for my meds...Just I feel like everyone would be more happy if I wasn't around.

convivialPlum6966 May 2nd, 2016

Angry. Sad. Tired