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Disabled or not?

AffyAvo October 24th, 2016

There are so many different ways disability can be defined.

This is a story I found touching.

Update, the links I had used previously aren't working. For now, these seem to be accessible:

Article can be viewed on Google books - I don't find the visual experience of reading there to be great, but it's what I can find.

New Article

I also came across this article which has some of the same concepts

Old links, 1st no longer works.

RarelyCharlie October 24th, 2016

Incredibly hard-hitting. Perhaps more so because last week I was working with someone who has MD (they had a key role and I had a minor role in a project team). Thank you for the link!


KRN October 24th, 2016

Lovely post, Affy! thank you for sharing this to us.


cyanPlatypus6370 November 10th, 2023

Note to self: return here to read 

Note to @AffyAvo ... the "new" link here now doesn't work, but the one that looks like it goes to a book seems to work ok.  The article titled "the (de)composition of a recovering..." link came up for me today.  

Again, to self, to come back for links and read this.  Thanks Affy!!!  <3 Platy 

AffyAvo OP November 10th, 2023

@cyanPlatypus6370 thanks, updated. I found something on the room site, not sure if it's the same one or not but there's a working link for that now.

Hmm edits aren't seeming to take though.

AffyAvo OP November 10th, 2023