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I feel replaceable

SamuelVolpi March 11th, 2020

I have a huge amount of stuff on my plate right now, but the thing that is bothering me the most is that i don feel like i matter to anyone. Like, i dont make an impact, or that no one cares for what i have to say

That makes me not want to hang out with people, which aisolates me even more, and that makes me really angry

LifeIsFoo March 11th, 2020

@SamuelVolpi i have been dealing with us similar since as you. Last week I believe was the hardest for me as I was transitioning in between medications. The hardest part for me is I logically know that I have friends and family that care for me and that this feeling of being replaceable or in my case not helpful to the well-being of others, is my brain lying to me. However it doesn't change how it feels. One of the things that I have been doing is reaching out to friends and going back to things that make me feel positive. Whether it's talking to family or friends that I trust or going back to hobbies that I used to enjoy. Or even trying something completely different from what I would normally do because what I have tried in the past is not currently helping. Sometimes I will even be as blatant as just telling my friends or posting on social media that I need some positive affirmations. Is it fishing? Of course it is. But sometimes you need those compliments to remind you that you are worthy.

SamuelVolpi OP March 11th, 2020


Anyone can tell you good things about you, especially people that knows you, but if you fish for compliments you are not getting a sincere one. I want people that actually care about me, but no-one does. Everyone has someone or something important, and im not that.

Im that person you hang out with, because you need something from them, but if i dont have it, no one talks to me

You have friends and family that cares about you, either you see it or not. Im not that blessed

LifeIsFoo March 11th, 2020

@SamuelVolpi can you give me an example of the interactions you've had that make you feel this way? You stated that people if your life only hang out with you if they need something otherwise they don't come around.

SamuelVolpi OP March 11th, 2020


I use to hang out with a group of people to play games. I notice that outside of those moments, they dont actually care about me

When i said i would take a break from the game, they have stop talking to me completly

No "how you doing"

No "wanna go oit somewhere"

No "hello"

Nothing at all

LifeIsFoo March 11th, 2020

@SamuelVolpi had you reached out to any of them to hang out outside of gaming?

SamuelVolpi OP March 11th, 2020


Why do i have to reach out?

If they are my friends they should wonder something

I try talk to some, but my messages are left on read

LifeIsFoo March 11th, 2020

@SamuelVolpi I ask this because I had felt similar sentiments in the past. I expected people in my life to check in but I wasn't doing it either. It became a cycle of anger and resentment that I realized I was only doing to myself. The more I reached out the more others reciprocated. Even if they didn't respond back I continued to reach out. Those that did respond back I continue to reach out to them. If after multiple messages someone didn't respond back, I no longer wasted my time. I'm so sorry that those folks who you did reach out to have made you feel ignored. Outside of this community have there been any other people whether face to face or online that you have felt comfortable conversing with? Even if it's a superficial conversation it's a start.

swordfightingturtle March 11th, 2020


im really sorry to hear this, but i have a way to combat it. Surrond yourself with people you love (family, friends) and try drawing and trying new things to find new friends. please chat with me because i want to help

SamuelVolpi OP March 11th, 2020


I dont know how to talk to people

affableBalloon8912 March 11th, 2020

I know my interactions being anxious is very hard to deal with but I don't want to be replaced. Thinking because i feel low about myself. I need group hugs. I don't want to lose out anymore because i am way too emotional for people to handle.

LifeIsFoo March 11th, 2020

@affableBalloon8912 have people reacted in a way that tells you your anxiety or emotions are too much to handle? Or is this part of your anxiety thinking that others think it's too much to handle?