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Weekly Prompt #40: How does your depression affect your ability to care about and take care of others?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 30th
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. A few weeks ago we discussed: How has depression changed your perspective on life? []Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here [] and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you This week's prompt: How does your depression affect your ability to care about and take care of others? Depression can affect a person's ability to care about and take care of others. How it affect yours? Let's get started and share your thoughts with us. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts and ideas.  Join us in the 24/7 Depression Support Group Chat []
Weekly Prompt #39: How has depression changed your perspective on life?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 16th
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. A couple of weeks ago we discussed:  []Imagine a perfect day where you feel neither lonely nor depressed. Describe what that day would look like. [] Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you [] This week's prompt: How has depression changed your perspective on life? Let's get started and share your thoughts with us. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts and ideas.    Note: I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to depression every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.  [] Join us in the 24/7 Depression Support Group Chat []
Your Poem...
by EmmaE
Last post
July 17th
...See more Hi everyone, I came across this poem prompt and thought I'd share it here if anyone would like to try! ------------------------- My Poem (Title) My name is (name). Today I feel like a/an (adjective) (noun) (verb)ing in the (noun). Sometimes I am a/an (noun) Sometimes I am a/an (noun) But always I am (adjective). I ask the world, "(question)?" And the answer is a/an (repeat your words from line 2). ------------------------- If you’d like to join the depression support team, please check out THIS POST [] for more information. To join our tag list and receive notifications, click HERE [].
emotionally exhausted
by mililuvstae
Last post
1 day ago
...See more hello m new here i hope by october i get better and get over my dpression wish me luck
by candyclouds445
Last post
September 25th
...See more Hi my name is candyclouds445 and I am new to 7cups. recently my grandma is in hospice and she is going to be put on meds so that she can't remember us I'm seeing her with my boyfriend before that point but ever since I heard the news I feel sad and lonely but I hope that this group gives me comfort and support that I need at this time. 
I need a spark.
by PiecesOfWhoeverIWas
Last post
September 1st
...See more I thought this might be a good section to write and sort things out in my head.  For the longest time, my focus has been getting over things that happened to me. I was fixated mostly on relational traumas. I’ve dealt with a lot of extreme depression and anxiety when it comes to people. I’ve learned and worked through a lot. Some things have been good, like gaining new tools to cope. Some things have not been so good, like sobering realizations. I’ve had some reality checks about what the world is really like, what is reasonable and realistic. Relationships don’t really seem to be what I thought they were, whether it’s family, friends, or partners. I look back and have a lot of regret. I also have a lot of confusion, and I think this is my biggest problem. I don’t really understand human relationships. I see deeply how things play out between people, and have insight yet I don’t completely understand. What feels right to me appears to be foreign to other people. I can’t seem to figure out how to have basic relationships. I am fearful of people, while at the same time feeling lonely and desiring companionship. When an opportunity arises to make a friend, I find a reason why they will not be a good friend. I feel disgusted and disappointed by many people. I enjoy people’s company sometimes, depending on the person, and as long as the relationship maintains a certain constant distance. The problem is no longer external forces. Now the focus is me. This is different than the depression I’ve struggled with. I feel far gone and empty. I have this sense of mourning that I have missed (and I’m missing) out on an essential part of life. I’ve spent so much time and energy in fear, constantly finding ways to avoid being hurt. My mind functions differently than it used to. I can remember times when I was younger, liking people, enjoying company, feeling close to others. I can remember what it was like to be excited about life. I also remember moments where my thinking changed, where I told myself I’d never let anyone hurt me again, where I told myself I’d never be stupid like that again. The changes were little, and many, over a long period of time. I am unrecognizable to that girl now.  Be very careful what you say to yourself, because you are listening. I need a spark. I need some magic in my heart. I want to feel hopeful and joyful, to feel human again. I have done so much work for myself with many things, but I don’t know where to start with this. It seems like the answer should be so simple. Every time I think I’ve got it, I realize this is anything but simple. It is like bringing a wilted plant back to life in a dark room. I don’t want to be in the dark anymore.
by BlackJezus666
Last post
July 25th
...See more Hello. I am Sebastian. 39M. Currently in Belgium. My problem is loniless and fear of dying alone.
Join us in the Depression Support Chatroom
by ASilentObserver
Last post
March 6th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I am glad you joined 7Cups Depression Subcommunity. Thank you for being here with us. Please know your challenges and struggles are valid. You are not alone. We are all together in this support journey. We have a dedicated group support chat room [] for members struggling with depression. It gets opened every Tuesday to join, participate and share. We are all here to listen and support you. The room will be opened from 12.00 AM Eastern Time. You are welcome to share what’s in your mind, how you are feeling, your challenges, experiences, and your story with us in this dedicated chatroom. You have us right here with you. In case you are unable to find the chatroom in the Group Support Chat rooms List [], please check this post to ensure you have all the badges to join the Depression Chat room- Click here! [] Meanwhile, you are welcome to join Sharing Circle Sessions to share your thoughts with us as well as regular Support Room 24/7 too. If you are already participating in the chatroom and if you have any general feedback, you could share it with us here []. If in case, you are interested in providing support, you could help us by running support sessions or guided discussions. Please apply here []. We look forward to having you in the Depression Support Chatroom. ------------------------- Depression Support Resources []
Why can't I fix my depression
by Ambrcat
Last post
February 9th
...See more I have been dealing with depression and dysthymia for almost 30 years.  I  usually have it under control with meds and therapy, but the last 6 weeks I have had a major relapse/recurrence.   None of my normal coping methods are working and I could use some support. Why doesn't this ever get easier to deal with?
Deepest Depression Ever
by EllisJay61
Last post
January 1st
...See more I've suffered with depression just shy of 50 years. I've had suicide attempts and a hospitalization. Been on antidepressants since Prozac was new. Been in and out of therapy the last 30 years. So I get depression. What I feel now is so deep and pervading I can hardly get up in the morning. Not because I'm depressed about my life (I am), but depressed over the state of the world. War everywhere, Hatred everywhere. The catastrophes of climate change. And the knowledge that there is absolutely nothing I can do about any of it. So why do they report on this stuff? To make people aware. Why? What good does my knowledge of the drought in Ethiopia, or war in Israel (again) do? What does my knowing do about the situation in Ukraine? It doesn't. It just makes me feel miserable, helpless and utterly hopeless. And climate change has me in despair. The scientists and environmentalists have been warning us for 30 years. Sure we put protections on some species, saved some natural areas. But it hasn't changed the fact that all the pesticides we have sprayed in our own gardens have killed off species of bugs and with them many birds have also disappeared. I'm talking backyard birds. Every year millions of migratory birds are killed by hitting windows of tall buildings?  Rising water levels and flooding lowlands. Changing weather patterns with worsening storms and longer droughts. Just Another thing I read about and can do nothing to stop. So this depression is not just internal, but external, in that I don't see us being able to save the human race from the coming environmental catastrophe. That is what prevents me from doing much of anything any more. I just can't see the point. How can you bear it? It's one thing to hear about the polar bears and penguins, but to see it in your own back yard. That really drives it home. I don't know if this place will help change my mind or not. But I guess I am not completely devoid of hope or I wouldn't be here. 
New here... not exactly
by rovingsoul
Last post
October 23rd, 2023
...See more Hi everyone, I've been on 7 Cups for a few months now, but I have been checking-in mostly when I feel like venting from the day's progression. Then, coming on here and browsing through some posts, I end up reading other peoples stories, and find myself in a different mindset than before, and finally check-out. It happens every time, except maybe today I've gone too far and needed a place to vent. Apologies for any triggers and such, since it's my first time posting on something like this, and I'm not too familiar with the tags to add (if any). I've been living at home for too long... far overdue to be honest. I've been meaning to move out, but I've been waiting for that extra special job that will land me with enough buck in the bank to be able to rent a place I can call my own. I quit my job last June and have been unemployed since, without much luck with interviews for a better one. To my own demise, I have been called over-qualified for certain jobs and thus, the interviews that I've had (the ones I can count on my fingers on one hand to-date) have gone nowhere good. I quit my job for two reasons really - one, out of spite because I knew I could do better; and two, because my family was moving to a different country temporarily and needed me to be there. I like to think that I've given up a lot for my family, but somewhere I've lost them completely. I'm not the kind of person who will wake up at 5AM in the morning to make you breakfast or coffee, or pack lunch for the day, but if you're needing my help in a desperate situation, or a backup of some kind, then I'll be there and find all the resources to pull through, to my capacity. And I find that that's the kind of help (or people) that gets neglected most of the time. I don't want to be showered with compliments, because sometimes I don't take them well anyway. Maybe I'm modest, but most of the time, I am bad for finding reasons behind the compliments. I always doubt myself and never believe I'm good enough for anything. I go through anxiety in tough moments of my day, but never let it show, and sometimes it leads me to being stomach sick. I've developed a few health issues over the last 10 to 12 years, and in the beginning they weren't manageable because I didn't know what it was. I have become this really negative person over this span of time, and my tone of speech has changed. Not from the physical issues, but from the lack of support I've seen from my family in that regard. When it all started, I was getting vertigo episodes from the anxiety, which put me out of work for 2, sometimes 3, days completely because every time I moved around in bed, the whole room started to spin. The doc suggested it was a stomach flu from the symptoms the first time it happened, and we stuck with it at the time. But then it happened again, and again, and again... for years. I almost felt like my family was getting sick of me, instead of me getting sick of whatever this sickness was, since I was always complaining about it. In fact, I went to a few doctors to get 2nd / 3rd / 4th opinions, and did a bunch of blood tests, only to find everything normal - less the sometimes low thyroid / iron in my blood. The doctors never came back with any positive results that could tell me what the issue was, and after years and years of Google searches and mapping out symptoms, and doing online quizzes on God knows how many sites, I found out that anxiety and mild depression were the criminals. After becoming more crude in talking to my family, they obviously became more distant. I was constantly complaining about my work and long hours (which was stressful being in the food industry), and I was getting a few more episodes of vertigo as a result. My brother thought I was always focusing on work, and not at home, so I quit that old job to prove him wrong. Then, I went into another spiral of sleeping too much and too late. Insomnia caught up pretty quickly. And here I am again... in that same vicious cycle. Now, instead of sleeping at 10:30PM, or around there, I stay up till 7AM, and then fall asleep, and sleep till 5PM. It's like I'm doing a night shift, only without pay. ***, my family should literally hire me for security because I'm awake even while the dogs are sleeping. My reason for writing this rant today is because I took out my pent up anger on someone who was a complete innocent, and just became a reason / mistake of someone else. I have been feeling so unworthy of living (and yes, there have been days where I just wished I was dead so that all the problems I've created for my family would just vanish). But then my logical side kicks in and reminds me that death will also cause them problems because they'll have to cremate me, and it will cost money. So, there's that... My only question would be - what am I doing wrong? I am so used to writing up manuals and steps for other people, that I think I've forgotten to do one for myself. I'm so perked up about helping people that maybe I've forgotten to help my own, and to live up to their standards. I found this quote randomly online the other day "If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much!" And this sits so right with me because I feel like I've been trying to not do wrong by my family in so many situations, and to avoid making mistakes so that there is no conflict between us, but every time I do something thoughtfully, it just backfires on me and makes me feel miserable and lost. I feel like every time I do something to make them happy, there's always that hidden 1% that I couldn't achieve on the test, and Mum complains about it - instead of cheering me on for the 99%. I know that her standards are high, and I have tried to achieve them before, but now... now it's not about school, or career. It's about everything I do in life. Everything is under scrutiny, and if I don't do it her way, then it's wrong! Maybe she's become more bitter too over the years, and I just haven't noticed it, and now, even the smallest of things triggers either me, or her, and we just end up talking in a higher pitch. I would rather keep quiet if it's my mistake, but when everything becomes a mistake, I think it's too much to take on for my brain and shut up. I have descended into a very deep hole of bad habits (except smoking, drinking, and rec drugs, so thank God for that), but there is enough to keep my mind addicted and occupied when I want to get away from it all. Too bad, I choose to keep my mind awake at night instead, and sleep through the day. In fact, it is 3:38AM as I write this, and I am not the least bit sleepy. Having written my thoughts in one place, for the public viewing of all on here, I feel a bit ashamed of myself that it came to this - because I am a very private person. I don't know what I'm expecting out of it really, or if I thought I was writing a personal journal instead and just poured my heart out. But like I initially wrote - reading other people's stories on here kept me going for a bit longer before I really burst open. Otherwise, I was really messed up when I joined 7 Cups earlier this year. I know that a person is not defined by their work, or title, but I do believe that it gives them the confidence and independence that they sometimes need to be themselves. I am definitely lacking both right now. Finally, I just wanted to see if anyone had thoughts on how I can become more disciplined in waking up early in the AM. It has been my flaw since, well... let's just say since I was born. I have always been knocked out of bed by my Mum, and she's believed that if she didn't wake me up, then I wouldn't have passed college. In fact, it's the reason I keep "losing" my job, since I don't like waking up in the mornings, and complain too much. I don't know what to say to that, but maybe she's right. Maybe I haven't found the right job for me, or the interest in anything I've done so far to get me up in the AM, and say "Yes, today's a good day, and let's get rolling." So, I am open to your thoughts and critical feedback. If you need to lay it down harsh, I am all ears. It's not that I can't take constructive feedback. It's the fact that, when every small thing becomes a flaw of your nature in life, life just becomes unworthy of living. I am at this point. Thank you for reading this! My prayers are with all who go through the many phases of this depression in their lives! 💖
I'm new to online help
by Sisyphusonatreadmill
Last post
October 6th, 2023
...See more I'm only 20, but have felt quite lost since an alarmingly early age. I remember doing a "what do you want to be when you grow up" when i was about 8 or 9 and asking my grandfather to answer it for me because i didn't know. Not much has changed since then except my age and im more aware of how out of sync i am with society. I have no friends, I'm unemployed and haven't been able to pass an interview. My family keep hounding me to start driving even though its something i never want to do and never have wanted to do. It all sort of feeds the depression and loneliness and i have no idea or no motivation to do anything that use to help. I don't even know what im on here for.
New to Depression Support in October 2023? Join here!
by MeaningfulSilence
Last post
October 5th, 2023
...See more Welcome to everyone that joined in October! We are glad to have you onboard 🌸 We want you to be part of the Depression support group, so feel free to join and say hi, it'll be nice to meet you ❤️ If it helps you sharing, you can answer the following questions : 😊 💡 How do you feel during autumn season? 💡 What is something you like to do during autumn?
I'm new...
by littleCurrent7762
Last post
September 10th, 2023
...See more Hello all. So I wanted to post here because I've been consistently depressed for about 2 months now and I've never been depressed this long. I'm not really sure what to do. My situation is limiting but I would appreciate if someone who has experience with depression would reach out💜
Thank you
by ReadBooks7
Last post
September 1st, 2023
...See more I have been at Cups for a while but just joined the depression support community, and I think a good way of introducing myself is to say thank you so, so much to everyone who has been so supportive in the sharing circle and to those who work so hard to keep it a safe and supportive place. Thank you to everyone who has shown me kindness there. Thank you to @Lou73 @CommunityModLou @CommunityModWilllow and to too many others to name 💙

We hope that you can find some respite here from what you're going through. We all help each other through the darkness. Welcome, friends, to the Depression Support Community at 7 Cups. We're so happy you're here <3

Click the "join" button above to stay up to date with the community's activities! We'd love to have you as a friend!

Adults & Teens: Join us in the Depression Support Room every Tuesday! The room is open for 24 hours. 

💗 New to the Depression Support Community? We want to get to know you! Introduce yourself here! And here's a welcome guide for you!

💗 Join us in our daily check-ins here and join the taglist here!

💗 Are you interested in joining the Depression Support team? Learn more and apply here!

Community Guidelines

Be gentle to yourself, you're doing the best you can. Remember that your feelings are your own, and no one can tell you that they are not valid.

Be gentle with others, because you don't know what they're going through.

Community Leaders
Community Mentor Leader
Community Resources

(all colourful text is clickable)

- 9 Types of Depression and How To Recognize Them 

- You don't have to understand, you just have to be present by @MarianaFilipaSouza6

A beautiful testament to the nature of depression

- Rethink Mental Illness: Depression

Basic information and facts

- Resource Masterpost by @Sealiously

A plethora of amazing links

- Depression Self Help Guide

Discover some ways to help manage what you're going through

- Safety Plan

Here's a safety plan for those who are passively suicidal. Your life is important

- Resources to Help Manage Depression

A collection of helpful links for more information and support

- Depression Community Path

A path that helps guide you through dealing with depression on a day to day basis

(Think that more resources should be here? Send a message to @EmmaE)