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Depression, or am I dramatic?

Snaking9076 March 15th, 2021

Everyday it feels like I'm suffocating in a vacume of cold stale air. If I'm not empty, I'm sad. Sad enough to cry, and I'm a fighter when it comes to tears. If I don't feel overwhelmed with emotion, I'm empty and colld. I don't want to do anything and when I do, I can't concentrate. By that time, my enthusiam to do something goes away. I can hardly sleep at night, falling asleep late, even if I go to bed early. Then waking up five to ten times a night. I used to eat like mad, being a twiggy person and boy could I eat! But now, even when hungry, the thought of food makes me sick. Other times, I'll get hungry and it will imeddiatly fade. I think this is depression, but I fear my parents will dismiss it like everything else. ;'( I've only had suciadal thoughts or thoughts of the world better off without me in painfull situations, which was about a year or two ago. When my grades started plummeting, I knew something was wrong, but I don't know what to do. >:(

lavenderLake589 March 15th, 2021

In my opinion, it sounds like depression. And I've had depression. I hope this helps you.

kittykat003 March 24th, 2021

Hey , I have been feeling the same way for maybe a couple of months now but for the love of God I could not ever find the right words to express my stuff to anyone. This post summed it up and made me tear up a little bit having the knowledge that I am not the only one feeling like this brings some comfort. I have spent hours an hour's searching for something useful but I couldn't find anything and am confused as ever because my situation if not becoming any better . I hate that I have succumbed to this sort of shitty feeling of having no motivation to do anything anymore. I know that I have depression but I am still in denial . And there isn't anybody to talk about it really cause a therapist is expensive , for my parents this is way too dramatic and well for my friends they themselves are all going through other kinds of shit so I really am alone and need help :/

Snaking9076 OP March 24th, 2021


It took me a long time to figure out what to say. It's not a fun feeling and not being able to get help seems to make it all worse. When my parents started to notice changes, they ask what's going on. But I've always been a writer compared to speaking, becuase for some reason, you can finish your sentence. You're not alone and I'm really glad I'm not either. heart

kittykat003 March 24th, 2021

Thank you 🍃

PhoFu April 7th, 2021


I feel the same exact way. What you have going thru, i have been to. I used to been a big eater, always ready to scarf down a delicious dinner, but now, i hardly eat. I hardly want to eat anymore. I've been having suicidal thoughts, more than i can count. I always find it hard to talk, especially to my parents. I feel like I cant. What you said, that how you were always a writer compared to talking, thats me. When I write, i feel like I can finish my sentences, I can actually say what I want to say. That's why I'm on here I guess.

What has helped me is my close friends. I have like 2 right now, and i've been talking to them of what I've been going thru, and it's been helping me. Really, just expressing my feelings to someone has helped me alot, I been holding them inside me way to long, and it's been slowly killing me.

I hope everyone here will be doing better smiley

Snaking9076 OP April 13th, 2021


I can agree about friends. I have one that I could trust with anything. As thing have been slowly getting worse, my friend's the only thing keeping me from breaking.

Whatever makes you happy, don't let go of it.