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Am I just really in depression? (Pls don't really this if you get triggered easily... And also pls ignore me.. If you don't want me in chatrooms...)

navyHouse3677 January 17th, 2022

So... Yeah this is navy..

Tw: pls don't read this if you easily get triggered...

Idk.. From where to start but in my country most of parents don't really understand that depression is even real thing, they just realised their children are just over reacting to situation but that's not true

Because of them I don't know whether I am in depression or not... They say I'm pretending and just over reacting to grt attention but that doesn't feel me true... I wish someone knew depression... Is really exist.

I most of time find hard. To concentrate and with thoughts of future failure everything feels even worse....

I feel like really this world would be better without me.. I don't feel like living.. I don't really deserve my parents.. Neither these all books... My room, someone else who actually deserve isn't the one here....

So done with myself just now need a black hole🕳🕳🕳 for myself to get in.. Amd listen gloomy sunday.....

Sorry for this stupid post

If you already don't like me....

Pls don't read this...

RarelyCharlie January 17th, 2022

@navyHouse3677 It's clear from what you've written that you are in a very difficult situation. You feel very, very bad about things, but your parents think you are just overreacting.

Depression, of course, is a medical condition and no one here in the forum can diagnose depression, or give you medical advice of any kind. You would have to see a doctor to get a diagnosis. If you cannot talk to a doctor, some other kind of professional might be able to help.

However, it might also be helpful for you to chat with a listener here about your thoughts of future future and your feeling that you don't deserve the things you have in your life. You can find a listener by going to the Browse Listeners page. Any listener who has a Chat Now button should be happy to chat with you about these things.


navyHouse3677 OP January 17th, 2022


Idk Charlie

I just don't like new listeners and with that... I already have couple of list ers in my pms.. Who helped me a lot usually.. But I don't feel like anyone is gonna understand thos feeling I mean.. Who is even gonna care about it..

RarelyCharlie January 17th, 2022

@navyHouse3677 Oh, you feel the listeners you usually chat to would not understand these feelings? That's disappointing. Listeners should normally try very hard to understand the feelings you have, even when they are negative feelings.


navyHouse3677 OP January 17th, 2022


I know Charlie I know they are trying their best to support me.... But stupid me who can't let them help me properly I guess, it's my hell fault I guess.... But I really don't want to be anyone in my pms.. The listeners I don't really know...

And with that I have a few issues of trusting as well so.. Yeah talking to new listeners actually doesn't help me and my old ones mostly offline so yeah, 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

willingClementine8601 January 19th, 2022


I’m so sorry that you are going through this.

I deeply understand, I’ve been through the same thing.

I’ve been struggling with depression since a young age but only got diagnosed when I turned sixteen.

And even now with my diagnosis and my medication my parents still don’t think it’s a real thing.

Since my parents couldn’t be there for me, I had to be there for myself and got myself an appointment and got the help I needed.

You are not alone, I don’t know exactly how this works but you can always talk to me if you want.

I advise you to book an appointment, either with a school psychologist or a psychiatrist.

I know it’s not easy and that you don’t feel deserving, but you are and all that you are feeling is valid!

I don’t know you, but I do already care for you.

Even if you can’t see it now, everything is going to work out, just keep surviving until you can start living.

navyHouse3677 OP January 19th, 2022

Hello guys !

this is navy again !

well idk... i am not able to sleep from past few days ..

my overthinking is going to touch the sky now....but yeah it doesn't matter at all !!

Bluelove13 January 26th, 2022


Navy is important for blue...

Navy...please don't deny all the feelings, don't deny all your feelings....

Depression is real navy, it really is....

When it hurts then it hurts...


The more you keep doing denial, the harder it will attacking you...and blue don't want navy to get hurt...never want it to happen to navy...

Blue know that it seems like no one can understand. But maybe navy would like to think about it again....

Because there is *at least* someone who is care a lot about navy...

If we entering the black hole, does the pain go away?

No...It will still be with us...

Blue understand the struggles...

Our mind got a really big impact in our life....

And it can be really hard and overwhelming in some times...

Blue really want to take all the painful things from really wish blue can do it....

Navy...let us keep holding on for a little while...

And if you feel tired of holdin on, then take some rest...but give up isn't a choice. It will never be a choice.

Navy is stronger than her problems. Blue believe in navy.

Blue is here for navy...

When life gets overwhelming, relying on yourself, it's hard to do...

But don't give up on you.

Cuz it's you,

There's no one like you,

One of one, never gonna find another like you 💙💙💙

Lots of Love,

Blue 💙