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ASilentObserver profile picture
Weekly Prompt #41: How do you perceive your own resilience and ability to cope with challenges?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
January 22nd
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. A few weeks ago we discussed: How does your depression affect your ability to care about and take care of others? [] Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here [] and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you This week's prompt: How do you perceive your resilience and ability to cope with challenges? To perceive your resilience and ability to cope with challenges, you can reflect on your past experiences, identify your strengths, ways to embrace a positive mindset etc. Let's get started and share your thoughts with us. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts and ideas.  Join us in the 24/7 Depression Support Group Chat []
EmmaE profile picture
Your Poem...
by EmmaE
Last post
January 13th
...See more Hi everyone, I came across this poem prompt and thought I'd share it here if anyone would like to try! ------------------------- My Poem (Title) My name is (name). Today I feel like a/an (adjective) (noun) (verb)ing in the (noun). Sometimes I am a/an (noun) Sometimes I am a/an (noun) But always I am (adjective). I ask the world, "(question)?" And the answer is a/an (repeat your words from line 2). ------------------------- If you’d like to join the depression support team, please check out THIS POST [] for more information. To join our tag list and receive notifications, click HERE [].
LoveMyMoonflowers profile picture
You can keep going 💙
by LoveMyMoonflowers
Last post
November 22nd, 2024
...See more Hey everyone (: I hope your all doing okie 💙 and if your not (': we *do* care about you and we would really love to be there for you whenever you need us. 💜 I really hope you know that you don’t have to do this alone, buddy.  i don’t know what your going through right now, exactly. i don’t know how you feel (': but i’d like to remind you that it *is* okay to *feel* 💙 and it’s okay to take your time when figuring things out. it may be hard to explain how your feeling as well and i get that. 💜 (it’s important to take some time for yourself also 🥰 please do try being kind to yourself 🥺)  and some days… it just feels like too much, doesn’t it? we feel like we can’t take it anymore, we can’t go on anymore. Things just get too overwhelming, life just gets too hard… and hope seems like a distant dream. i know i’ve felt this way many times (': i think many of you might be able to relate 💙 but honestly, i need to remind you that there *is* hope, and you really can keep going. your never ever alone 💜 and you’ve never been truly alone.  And even though you might have never seen it, you are strong. stronger than you think you are. You’ve come *this* far and I am so so proud of you. i know it hasn’t been easy. i’m so proud of you. 💙 i’m sending so so so much love your way 💜 you deserve it, you really do 🥺 we love you, we care about you *always* and yes, there *is* hope for you. 💙 i promise.  🌙 Ni 🌸 @HealingTalk 
Clairebear233 profile picture
by Clairebear233
Last post
February 10th, 2024
...See more I never knew this about myself but I struggle with SAD can anyone else relate?
fruityPond7887 profile picture
7 Surefire Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
by fruityPond7887
Last post
February 27th, 2023
...See more "It’s the same thing every year. We hit February or March and start feeling a little blah, like we just need a break. Cooler temperatures and being stuck indoors have taken their toll on us and our attitudes tend to suffer as a result. If you’re like me, you may be experiencing lower energy levels, sluggishness, or even difficulty concentrating. This phenomenon seems to be universal and happens to many of the people that I know. You’ve probably experienced it too. So, what can we do about it? Fight back. It’s up to you to develop a plan to put an end to those winter blues once and for all. Here are some surefire ways to get you out of that funk and improve your outlook until the warmer weather returns: * Grab some sunshine. Many of us feel down because we miss the sun. We’re inside more often, and can’t help but feel cooped up. That’s why it’s all the more important to get outside for a healthy dose of fresh air and Vitamin D. * Get your body moving. Fitness moves stagnant energy out of our bodies. Run, walk, skip, and exercise. If you’re feeling sluggish, a little extra movement can boost your energy levels and endorphins. Get your body shaking and try it. * Schedule time with friends. When the weather is colder, we tend to participate in fewer social activities. Make up for this deficit by reaching out to your friends to share a laugh or two. Go to that new restaurant, see a show, or organize a group hike! You need this time with your friends. * Do something you love. Nothing boosts your mood faster than engaging in an activity that you enjoy. Maybe that’s reading, painting, or playing the piano for you. I like pilates, getting outdoors and creative activities. Whatever makes your heart sing, find more time for it in the winter and lift yourself up as a result. * Take a vacation. If you feel like you just need to get away, then do it, even if it’s only for a daycation. You can travel near or far, it doesn’t matter. A change of scenery is often just the jolt you need to reset your mindset. Where will you wander? * Start making plans for the Spring. The good news about the winter blues is that they are only temporary. Spring will be here before you know it so why not start planning for it now and give yourself something to look forward to? What do you really want to do this Spring? * Treat yourself to some selfcare. When you’re feeling blue, lean into a little self-care and pamper yourself! Go to the spa, schedule a massage, or indulge in a long nap. Feed your mind, heart, soul and body. You deserve it." *Winter blues are never easy and can leave us feeling down and depressed. More extreme versions of winter blues can be classified as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. It can be hard to break out of the cycle that comes with SAD, but there are ways to combat it. Some of these are included in this great article, but I think it's important to remember that if you start to feel like you can't handle how you're feeling on your own, it's important to seek advice from a medical professional. When I struggle with SAD, I also like to use heat lamps that simulate sunlight and can help increase Vitamin D levels are lower in the wintertime. I hope this article was insightful! Do you struggle with the winter blues? What do you find helps you until springtime comes back?* #WinterBlues #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder #SAD Please find the full article at Thrive Global. [] If you liked this article, you may also like this one [] on seasonal depression.
MoonlightBlossom555 profile picture
I Just Want To Be Happy
by MoonlightBlossom555
Last post
September 24th, 2022
...See more Lately I’ve been so down about what seems to be anything and everything, I find myself so envious of anyone around me who seems like they might have it a bit more “together” than me. But I feel lost and I feel so unloved and miserable, I’ve resorted to self harming again which is something I haven’t done since I was 14 and I’m 22 now, everyday I wonder when it might be the day that I just go. I just wanna be happy, I don’t understand why it’s something I have to fight tooth and nail for.
sensitiveme00 profile picture
Rainy season, moods and subliminal depression
by sensitiveme00
Last post
July 31st, 2022
...See more I am going through a lot of mood changes, especially during rainy season. I go through weird moods I am not able to understand. Also I had read up once that there was someone who was going through subliminal depression. Ever heard of that? I think it means he was going through depression all his life only to know now. Please share what are your thoughts?
7Mido profile picture
Can't find it enjoyable anymore
by 7Mido
Last post
May 3rd, 2022
...See more Why to stay alive and keep going through the same suffering every day?
goodTown6241 profile picture
I keep thinking that just getting a pet or something could help me solve some of my depression stuff
by goodTown6241
Last post
April 16th, 2022
...See more But stuffing up dog ownership would make everything worse so I don't know
limegreen3 profile picture
Here we go again...
by limegreen3
Last post
April 16th, 2022
...See more Everytime I find myself back in this position I die a little more inside. Why am I here yet again! I feel my mind imploding on itself...just constant comparison and low self esteem ugh. I dont think people understand the toll depression has on the body. Been sleeping way too much lately, but when I'm awake my body is in overdrive just trying to hold everything together, and then I end up exerting so much energy I'm tired again after a couple of hours.
Peter1973 profile picture
by Peter1973
Last post
March 12th, 2022
...See more I hate rains.
seonmi1028 profile picture
Major Depression now with SAD?
by seonmi1028
Last post
March 12th, 2022
...See more I've lived with MDD and anxiety for years. Now with the nasty, cold miserable weather we've been having for weeks I've been stuck inside. Being alone with my thoughts is literally driving me to the breaking point of self harm and extreme anger. Don't know what to do.
AdrienBrody profile picture
SAD: How I've been trying to combat it
by AdrienBrody
Last post
March 12th, 2022
...See more TRIGGER WARNING: Involves past struggles with self-harm and suicidal thoughts To whom it may concern, A year ago today, I started self-harming. Not cutting myself like in the movies, but just scratching my arm with a sewing needle. Enough to leave a mark but not enough to break skin. At the time, it felt right, even justified. I wasn't in a good place, a lot of bad things had happened, and I felt like it was the only way to create the radical change I felt was necessary. I didn't know that my SAD was acting up, in fact, I had no idea I had SAD. In fact, learning I did was a bit of a weight off my shoulders. All that self-harm and self-hatred wasn't really anything to do with me, my brain was just wired in a way where this kind of thing happens. What may have seemed like a devastating thing to hear for some people was a relief to me. But as the seasons changed and the weather got warmer, I decided to ensure that next winter would be at least marginally better. Fast forward a few months, and I've done a whole lot of work on myself, trying to prepare for that dreaded winter season. I found some good role models, particularly Ted Lasso and my late grandfather, for me to emulate instead, moving away from the cold persona I find many people can tend to put out. Heck, I gave up my fall semester of college (socially, not academically) just to work through this all. I learned that my negativity is oftentimes not really me, but more of me emulating a movie/TV character I know to be negative and using their traits to radiate negativity (good examples would be Zeke Yeager or Thomas Shelby). I started conversations with people about my anxieties surrounding friendship and social status, and I feel like I'm moving a lot further than I probably should be a year removed from wanting to hang myself with my college scarf. I like to think this sounds a lot like a success story, but I can't honestly say it is. Truth is, my college semester starts back up in a week, and I don't know if all that work I did last semester will be worth it. Maybe I'll turn back into the depressed outcast I became last year, but maybe I'll move forward. Maybe I can actually accomplish what I set out to do this semester, or I can certainly hope so. I have to admit, I feel like I'm rambling at this point, but I genuinely do want to come back in a few months and tell people that I'm a recovered person with SAD. I don't know if any of this resonates with any of you out there, but if it does, I'd love to talk to other people about their SAD and maybe learn a bit more on how to deal with it, since I think the best thing for a lot of us is to try to move forward to a better place in our lives. Thank you.
OceansCalling profile picture
How To Survive Seasonal Depression
by OceansCalling
Last post
March 9th, 2022
...See more Is it just me or is the wintertime really depressing? All the cold weather and the days getting dark so fast can make anyone feel depressed. Here are eight tips on how to survive Seasonal Depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder)   1.  Let the light in.  The loss of exposure to light is no joke.  We need sunlight for so many reasons.  Open your blinds.  Wake up earlier and sit by a bright window while you drink your morning coffee.  Invest in a sunlamp which can help to elevate mood if you’re not able to get enough daylight to meet your needs. 2.  Exercise.  This can be so hard to do when it’s cold and miserable out, but it’s vitally important. Even though it’s cold, bundle up and go on a quick brisk walk.  You will not only feel sunlight on your face, but you will also feel decreased stress and increased motivation and self-confidence.  Studies consistently show that exercise is one of the most effective treatments for depression. 3.  See a therapist.  The winter months are not only depressing, they are also stressful.  The holidays can be fun and fulfilling, but also incredibly draining.  Extensive time with family can trigger unresolved pain and hurt.  For those who have lost family members, the holidays are a trigger for grief.  Combine either of these issues with SAD, and the season can feel hopeless.  Take these feelings as an opportunity to care for yourself by investing in time for personal healing and growth. 4.  Care for yourself medically.  A therapist can also help you determine the severity of your symptoms and whether you may need to take anti-depressants.  Additionally, winter is the season of sickness!  Don’t ignore your physical needs.  If you are feeling under the weather, care for yourself by resting, nourishing yourself well, and seeking medical attention if necessary.  You may need to take time off of school or work in order to recover. 5.  Invest in relationships.  Often, winter can be a time of isolation, especially if you are experiencing symptoms of depression that keep you lonely and scared to reach out to friends.  You may hear depression telling you that you are not fun to be around and you should keep to yourself. This is not true!  The people in your life care about you and probably also feel a bit isolated during the winter.  You may not feel up to much, but try to have a friend over for a warm beverage, like tea or apple cider. There is something about holding a warm drink in your hands when it’s cold outside that makes for good conversation.  Surround yourself with supportive friends even thought it feels scary or tiring.  It will remind you that you are loved. 6.  Pursue small pleasures.  You may not be going to the beach or skiing this winter, but there are lots of small ways that you can experience new and exciting things.  Do you like to cook?  Try something you’ve never made before, like baking bread.  Learn a new hobby like guitar or yoga. Get your creative juices flowing by reading, writing, or painting.  What are some things you’ve always wanted to try?  Winter is the perfect time to pick up something new and practice gratitude for small, enjoyable things. 7.  Hold on to hope.  Always remember that winter eventually ends. Winter seems endless while we are in its midst, but it always turns into spring.  There is always hope!  Be gentle with yourself as you wait for the warmth and beauty that is just around the corner. 8. Become a 7 cups Listener!. What an awesome way to spend some free time in the winter helping others who need to be heard. I have truly felt so amazing helping others with their burdens and who need someone to talk to. So give it a try! It will help the winter time pass :) Created by Oceans Content by SADness/Oceans Have some more tips? Let's keep this thread going and help others who are suffering from this! 
intuitiveSpruce6863 profile picture
SAD tips?
by intuitiveSpruce6863
Last post
January 14th, 2022
...See more So last winter I realized I might have SAD (I already have GAD) because every night the sun went down (especially as days got shorter) I felt a deep sense of dread and hopelessness. I didn’t deal with these feelings well because of other stuff that was happening in my life, but things are better and I want to take care of myself better this winter. Anyone have any good tips for dealing with SAD?

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Be gentle to yourself, you're doing the best you can. Remember that your feelings are your own, and no one can tell you that they are not valid.

Be gentle with others, because you don't know what they're going through.

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Community Resources

(all colourful text is clickable)

- 9 Types of Depression and How To Recognize Them 

- You don't have to understand, you just have to be present by @MarianaFilipaSouza6

A beautiful testament to the nature of depression

- Rethink Mental Illness: Depression

Basic information and facts

- Resource Masterpost by @Sealiously

A plethora of amazing links

- Depression Self Help Guide

Discover some ways to help manage what you're going through

- Safety Plan

Here's a safety plan for those who are passively suicidal. Your life is important

- Resources to Help Manage Depression

A collection of helpful links for more information and support

- Depression Community Path

A path that helps guide you through dealing with depression on a day to day basis

(Think that more resources should be here? Send a message to @EmmaE)