Overthinking Remedy :)
The Heart Of The Rose, as described by Robin Sharma in the book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. In this exercise, you will need a rose (or any flower will do). Begin by staring into the center of the flower. Begin to notice all the details: the textures, the layout of the petals, the shades of color. Once again this is an exercise in building the power of focus and to eliminate overthinking. When you start it may be hard to focus on the flower for 5 minutes as other thoughts come to mind. It needs to be practiced, to the point where 15mintues can be spent focusing on the flower.
I hope this helps. Let me know your feedback!
@jigglypuffy @Safii @CoolBlueMoon2 @Kabira
[edited by @sujaypai by moving from Daily Checkins Thread]
@sunsetLion15 Hey Sunset a type of Grounding exercise.
@sujaypai Yes sujay Really helped me too! And thanks for editing it, really appreciate it!!