I wish I were religious
I always wish that I could be more religious. I wish I had that kind of faith that others do. That there was a higher power who had some grandplan for me- that I could trust in something so implictly. That there was a promise for something amazing waiting at the end of all this suffering.
I downloaded some books on religion to see if I could find one that matches but I haven't gotten very far.
@writerchick88 Hey How are you?
I have to admit - I've often felt the same way. Am I missing something because of the lack of faith. It is what's so wrong with my life. I wish I had something concrete to tell you. You're not alone though. We're all looking for answers. Best we can do is help each other where we can along the way.
@writerchick88 There are two ways to go about finding a religion when you're not religious.
The first is to find a religion that doesn't require you to believe in anything supernatural. The Unitarians, some forms of Buddhism (especially Zen), some of the Neopagan groups, etc. See which are nearby, and try them out. Many of the non-believers I know have found a home with the Unitarians; they're good, kind people.
The second is to find a group that's more-or-less aligned with your cultural heritage, and tolerant of people who aren't believers but want the fellowship and the support. Find a religion with a set of stories that speak to you -- even a story you know is pure fiction can be incredibly comforting.
Or write your own stories.