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How engaging ourselves in valued activities can change our mood and life?

happyrainbow93 February 2nd, 2018

So I just read this article: "what is behavioural activation for depression?", which I think it is so useful if you are feeling depressed. it is a little bit long but just take your time to read it. it is really helpful, with great ideas to change your life, I took the time to highlight in red the main ideas. It talks about behavioural activation (BA), an effective therapy in treating depression as more complex psychological treatments and even medication.

So, how does BA work and what is the relationship between behaviour and emotions?

What we do affects how we feel and vice versa. Emotions are important sources of information that guide our behaviour and enable us to function as human beings.

Happiness and contentment, for example, are the emotional rewards we receive for engaging in valued activities that improve our quality of life. Anxiety helps us to avoid dangerous situations that threaten our survival. Guilt motivates us to act respectfully towards each other and helps to maintain functional social relationships. Sadness lets us know when weve lost something important to us. As a severe and prolonged form of sadness, the loss in depression is of self-worth and hope.

Just as our emotions guide our behaviour, the opposite is also true – our behaviour directly impacts our emotions.

The more we avoid risky or challenging situations, the less confidence we have in our ability to cope and the more anxious we feel. The more we treat others disrespectfully, the more guilt and regret we feel. And the more we withdraw from people and activities that have previously given us a sense of purpose and wonder in the world, the less happiness and more depressed we feel.

People with depression derive a diminished sense of pleasure and achievement from life. At its worst, depression is the absence of emotions. Without emotions we are lost – nothing has meaning, which makes it difficult to care about ourselves and others. Just as few of us would turn up to work without a financial reward, it can be difficult to turn up for life without an emotional reward.

The problem is that when depression leads to inactivity, withdrawal and isolation, there are even fewer opportunities to derive pleasure or a sense of achievement from life. As a consequence, depression, hopelessness, lethargy and motivation worsen over time. At this point, the vicious cycle of depression is in full swing.

Without emotions, were lost.

Whether depression (the emotion) or withdrawal (the behaviour) occurs first is a case of the chicken or the egg. It does not matter.

The critical point is that modifying our behaviour can have a powerful influence over our emotions.

What is behavioural activation?

The aim of BA is to reverse the cycle of depression by increasing engagement in valued activities, which increases our chances of deriving pleasure and a sense of achievement from life. BA has been used for decades as a stand-alone treatment for depression, or as the behavioural component of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

The cognitive component of CBT teaches skills for challenging negative thoughts that worsen depressed mood. University of Exeter mental health researcher Professor David Richards‘ finding that BA was as effective at treating depression as CBT means it may be unnecessary to directly challenge negative thinking. Modifying behaviour may be enough to improve our outlook on life.

BA typically involves the following steps:

Step 1: Activity and mood monitoring

Depression usually makes it difficult to notice fluctuations in mood – everything seems black all the time. But moods do fluctuate, at least to some degree. The first step in BA is to become familiar with these fluctuations.

Write down the activities you do and rate your depression at the time (0 = no depression, 10 = extreme depression) every day for a week or two before moving on to step 2, but continue to monitor your activity and moods for up to 16 weeks.

Step 2: Notice the relationship between particular activities and your mood

When you look back over your activities and mood ratings each week, what activities were associated with a better mood (even slightly) and what activities were associated with a lower mood? Make a list of these activities under two headings – better mood activities and lower mood activities.

When you are depressed, you are likely to find more lower mood than better mood activities at the beginning. This is normal, but the idea is for this balance to shift over time.

Better mood activities might include going for a walk.

Step 3: Schedule more of the better mood activities over the coming week

It sounds simple, but the next step is to schedule more of the better mood activities and steer clear of the lower mood activities. You might also schedule activities you previously enjoyed in your life, even if you dont find them as rewarding at the moment.

Consider the days and times you are most likely to complete the activity over the coming week, schedule it in your diary, and problem-solve any obstacles that might get in the way. Plan some activities with loved ones for some additional support and encouragement.

Step 4: Balance pleasant and achievement-based activities

You might find that you do some activities just for pleasure (such as having coffee with a friend, dancing, or reading a book). Other activities might not be pleasurable, but they nonetheless give you a sense of achievement (such as cleaning the house, or going to work).

It is important to maintain a healthy balance of both pleasurable and achievement-based activities. Too many pleasurable activities can be unhelpful if it means we neglect our responsibilities, which then pile up and become overwhelming. On the other hand, too many achievement-based activities can feel like all work and no play. Some activities give us a sense of both pleasure and achievement – win, win!

Step 5: Action before (not after) motivation

This step is critical. If an activity is scheduled in the diary, then it gets done, regardless of how we are feeling. No exceptions.

A depressed mood will discourage us from making changes in our lives. The essence of BA is that if we behave as if we are depressed, then we will continue to feel depressed. Behaviour needs to change before emotions and motivation will improve, not the other way around.

If the activity in the diary is too challenging on a particular day, then do something that is less challenging but still moves you in a helpful direction. Starting slow is better than not starting at all.

To maintain motivation, keep in mind the long-term benefits of breaking the cycle of increasing withdrawal and worsening depression.

Rewards are likely to help lift your mood even further.

Step 6: Reward yourself

When you complete a scheduled activity, reward yourself. Think about natural rewards that might help motivate you to achieve your goals and reinforce your changes.

These rewards are likely to help lift your mood even further and may help you through the difficult times, because the road to recovery is likely to be rocky.

I hope this is helpful guys :) :)

StarhawkeMystery February 2nd, 2018

@happyrainbow93 its amazing rainbow 😍

will0thewisp February 3rd, 2018

This is an awesome post! I've noticed that no matter how bad I feel when I go into work or to a club meeting, I always feel better once I'm done because of how valuable those things are to me. Thank you for articulating this and for outlining a way to make it happen!

happyrainbow93 OP February 3rd, 2018

I am so happy for you! it is great to understand why some things are so helpful for us. Then we will try to keep doing them. @will0thewisp

lcabic12 February 3rd, 2018

I think I've been doing something similar to this recently. A friend told me about this site called Unfu*k Your Habitat, and I've been using the exercises there to help clean my room. It's helped, but I can't seem to do the same thing with things that don't involve cleaning, like getting work done for school. I'm glad to have come across your post, this is really helpful!

justSC February 4th, 2018


I found this a very helpful read. Thank you posting!

Heyanonhowwasyourday February 4th, 2018

Great info! My personal mixture between value based goals and pleasureable consist of voluntary work I do and then a bit of my favourite computer game... bit of a sucker for some old school runescape! Also cooking well it's a life skill and somewhere inbetween something done just for pleasure and something that is a skill that should be worked on for getting on in life!

@happyrainbow93 This is probably the foundational spine of some of my work, Its really important, thanks for sharing