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What does depression feel like for you? Metaphors Welcome

row036 October 29th, 2018

I have depression / anxiety and I struggle to describe what it feels like. Paint me a picture of what depression is like for you.

Depression is a mind-marathon with no end in sight:

A bad day feels like I'm running/sprinting for miles inside my mind, knowing I'm going in circles, but unable to stop. And you don't know when it will stop. Your body aches and you're exhausted.

Happiness now feels like a game that I used to know how to play, and then I suddenly forgot.

Feels like I'm watching from the sidelines and when I get thrown in, something inside is constantly telling me that I don't belong there; that others will find out something isn't right with me.

Things that used to make me happy don't anymore. My S.O. (the only one that knows I'm struggling) presents me with these things (like a dinner out, or fave movies) and while I really really want to enjoy them, nothing stirs up inside me except the feeling that I'm letting him down.

Anyone else?

comfortingrainbow November 3rd, 2018


To me it feels like slowly sinking into water. You just feel nothing as you drown super slowly. Or being trapped in a crowded room crying and yelling and no one can see or hear you.

Booklover95 November 2nd, 2018


Feels like drowning. Drowning in a very dark endless lake

BonNasu November 2nd, 2018

Going up for air from the depths of the ocean I am met with seeing the night sky at the surface. I breathe easy for a bit but eventually I find myself dragged underwater.

Someday I hope to see the sun shining again but for now, I take some comfort in seeing the dim glow of the stars.