If you feel like you need the medication then you should totally have them!
Does she have to be consulted? Your medical care is ultimately your business. She doesn't have to know what you're doing, especially if she is so closed minded.
Medication really helped me and it would be unfair to deny you the opportunity of living a better life purely because of her ignorance.
@SilentSerenityy thank you. I think I
I think it may be best, just to save you stress of her judging you! You can keep the tablets in a little bag and take them when she's out of the room or take the packet into the bathroom with you. You could find a little box to put the tablets in so she won't be able to see exactly what they are and if she did question it, you could say they're heart burn/contraception tablets or something minor.
I would recommend taking them at night time as they can make you feel drowsy.
I agree with SilentSerenityy if you feel you need them then take them. You have to do what you think is best for yourself regardless of her opinions. Medication can be very helpful and its wrong for her to be against what could help you.
It can certainly be hard to challenge certain values when wish to take your mother's opinion into account.
As an adult, I hope you can make your own decisions about using medication.
I'd just like to highlight that medication does not make depressed people "druggies", the same way it doesn't make those with high cholesterol, migraines or diabetes drug addicts.
Your mother appears misinformed about the use of medication as a medical method and I hope you won't let that prevent you from seeking treatment, especially if you find that it is helping you reduce your symptoms.
Not everyone understands mental illness, unfortunately. Do what is best for yourself. Other things are secondary.
Yeah, I agree with everyone here. You're an adult and have been prescribed medication by your doctor. If it's helping and you know that the alternative would be death without it, there is absolutely no reason why your mother should be privy to your mental care. Your mother would ultimately rather see that you are alive, then be in anyway responsible for your death. You know you best. Good luck! ☺
Just tell her!
I actually had some long term anxiety problems. My doc put me on some anti-anxiety pills Lexapro ( I ordered them via alldaychemist ) . These pills did work for me! Before taking Lexapro it was something like I had a million things bouncing around in my head. These pills kept me calm and stress free. But remember, you should consult your doctor before taking any medicine! Self-medicating is dangerous, it can cause serious problems.
Your mum may be against medication but what happens if she needs them for minor or major health issues and she needs some tablets to keep her body moving or other tablets that she needs or she'll end up in hospital what she going to do live in and out of hospital or take medication that will help her in the long run just like your doing your taking medication that helps you and that's making you feel stable and not worse its the same thing you are taking it because you need it and ur doctor said so doctors don't just hand out tablets for the hell of it they suggest medication cause it works quicker and it helps some people I have mental illness myself 3 different types I have medication sitting there in case I need it but when I do take it I feel worse or wanting to take more that's just my body saying I'm still down give me more lol if your an adult you male your own choices if your mum needs to know and has a right to then yes if your close to your mum you can tell her its up to you all the best
I guess it depends on how you see things. As an adult I believe that you are fully capable of making your own choices and decisions. If the time is right I hope you'll also be able to tell her someday.