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Is there any cure for melancholia?

cryingprincess May 19th, 2015

I could cry over small things, but I couldn't cry when people died. Even the people who were close to me. I couldn't react to bad events either. Is there any cure for melancholia?

cryingprincess OP May 19th, 2015

Is there a cure for numbness? Because I don't want to be the person who has no interest for the rest of my life.

courageousComputer3979 May 19th, 2015

Feeling numb too. So if you find the cure, let me know. It's hard to feel properly sometimes.

loyalPlace1549 May 21st, 2015

Ofcourse there is. God never created a problem without a solution. Everybody has bad periods in his/her life. But nothing remains. *this too shall pass* :) What i have found out is that people too often get confused by what their mind tells 'em. But we are not our minds, we are not our thoughts, we are not our past, what we are nobody can ever harm that. And as somebody said."Dont trust your thoughts"

squib May 19th, 2015

I'm sorry things are so hard princess... my own experience has been that yes, it is quite possible to overcome the numbness or sadness. Some of it is just patience (with yourself, with life, with the world) and a lot of it is taking some kind of action (for some people it's medication though that had limited effect for me, for others therapy). I've had good periods and bad periods; those bad periods do pass, though, and the good ones are worth the effort. I hope you can make that effort (even when you don't feel at all like doing so) as the better times will be worth it.

cryingprincess OP May 19th, 2015

If it'spossible to overcomenumbness,if it's going to take a lot of courage to appreciate the world and myself, will it also be possible for me to cry when people die someday(that is when I don't really cry for small things)?

squib May 19th, 2015

I don't see why not. And I hope you're not beating yourself up over not being able to cry over a death, when that's just because you're simply not feeling much of anything. That's not a flaw or something blameworthy, it's just your own struggle right now. But you can overcome this, as you heal.

cryingprincess OP May 19th, 2015

Then I'll take one day at a time to deal with my struggle. Thank you for the very helpful advice!!smiley

Lemonwaterice May 24th, 2015

I cry over a dead bee on the ground, or because the shirt I bought my son doesn't fit, but I didn't cry when my grandfather died. It's strange isn't it? I think I feel so much about such small things that something big like a family death is too overwhelming to face.... so I don't.

I'm not sure depression ever goes away as such but ebbs and flows like the tide. Sometimes you feel like you're drowning in it, sometimes treading water, and sometimes standing on the shore enjoying the breeze and the warm sunshine. In my case there's more treading water and drowning than anything, but whatI do know now is that however bad it gets...HOWEVER BAD it ALWAYS gets better.