Is my depression going to push everyone away from me?
I'm currently suffering with depression and I'm recently moving away from being suicidal, despite the depression getting worse.
I'm very open about it, trying to reach out to the people around me for help, but it's become apparent that those people don't actually want to help. I'm worried that the people around me are going to be pushed away from me or if they're pushing me away because of it.
I understand it's hard to deal with someone who's depressed, but it's not easy to pretend it's not there either.
I don't know if I want therapy or counselling since that would make my parent aware of it, and my situation could get worse if I tell them. I tried to do online counselling, but I always get too scared in the end.
Should I just try to look happy instead?
What should I do? I don't want to lose them.
It already has
I feel that I
Hi I'm sorry to hear you have had a bad experience on here. Your not alone and don't think this is what the site is cuz I can assure you it isn't .
I don't know exactly from your post why those in the support group didn't help you when needed so if you can tell us a bit more then we maybe to help and see why that may of happened .
Everyone here is going through similar stuff this is why the site is aimed and focused on on particular thing but again we do help others in other situation they might be going through like breaks ups, work issues, family life etc so all is valid.
I don't know if you may of found that talking about yourself in a very deep way could of made people feel sensitive about there needs and feelings and the topic being among depression is a common subject. Again I don't know the ins and outs about what happened but don't take that personally .This site has its ups and downs and at times it's not always perfect but you have to remember there are people here for you. Dont forget that and your welcome here like anyone else.
I hope that does help a bit. Let us know how you are doing
Yes it will. Unaware of doing it. Many will understand what youre going through and others wont know how. to react and choose to stay away. staying away feels easier than assuming every word said can be wrong. You might think they should know you need space but its the space they needed. A true friend would wait for you to come around if they think being close isnt the right time.Depression will blame them for running away and refusing to admit that you had every right to feel that way. By the time you get it all figured out, you will be left alone wondering why. It will fade away with time but it will be hard to trust to have friends again
It feels like Im always going to be alone. No one wants to spend time with a sad sack
@convivialBalloon5733 true
@convivialBalloon5733 thats not true at all u will find ppl will accept u for u
@rhianna360 I have to agree. There are people out there who will love and accept you depression and all. Just remember everything you feel is a choice. So the things you love on a daily basis. Also try to do things that draw you out of yourself. Service and helping others is an amazing way to help yourself feel better.
@convivialBalloon5733 it's not true. I'm craving to spend time with my gf who's depressed, but she doesnt want to at the moment, bad times come with good times. You rather have people who ride the wave with you, the people who don't join you on your surf board one then should question whether that is a blessing in disguise, I personally believe it is
relateable sadly
@convivialBalloon5733 that's exactly how I feel.
I'm pushing everyone away from me because of my depression anxiety anger and stress and my strange emotions and moods. I don't know how to stop it all and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Please I need HELP.
@unassumingVase8817 It can be hard to feel a connection with other people when it feels like they don't understand what you're going through, but I've found it better to take a breath and rather shift my focus toward the other person's intentions of communicating and be interested in whar they are saying. Because the fact is people are more worried about themselves and although anxiety makes it feel like your fuck ups are under the eyes of everyone, it is only a wall between you and the rest of the world
@unassumingVase8817 I understand exactly what your going through.
It is extremely painful to look normal to others; Sometimes I just want to scream for help, but I can
Hey @Itsnumb! I can understand your struggles having been through that situation myself and I'm sorry you're feeling this way.
Maybe you should reach out to the listeners on 7Cups and interact more on forums and group chats
My depression/anxiety makes me feel like everyone is ignoring me or avoiding me when they really aren
Trigger warning: Suicide mentions
theres no one to push away. No1 nO oNe NOOOooooOOOOOO ONe no1 no one nobody nobodytopushaway not in this ultra lonely miserable meaningless suffocating peopleless static sterile stagnant GODAWFULMURDEROUSFU&%@!!!!!!!ING EXISTENCE f%$#@@ ME F$#@@!! LIFE IM NOT COPING NO ONE TO PUSH AWAY IM A LONELY [inapprociated words removed] WITH NO ONE IN MY LIFE IM SO FREAKING LONELY 33 YEARS OLD NO HOPE OF BEING MARRIED I AM DISEASED BY MY NONSTOP LONELINESS DYING DYING OMG THIS IS PURE SUFFERING iwannadie omg im so lonely and miserable everyday is the same i am dying i am already dead i am buried alive in the coffin of my lifeless asphyxiating existence my life= pure pain
love= zero for me
[Edited by Forum Mentor @RaCat to add TW and edit the content]
@hollowman84 it seems that you are going through a lot of things right now. From what you wrote, I can see that you feel pretty lonely as you mention you have no one in your life. It can be hard to deal with situation like this as we, people are social creatures and we need support from others. Is there anyone in your life that you have a bit better connection with?
Also, I am a bit concerned to see that you are thinking about suicide. I think that when we are dealing with lots of emotions for a while, we might think about suicide as an option to end the pain and to set yourself free. On the other hand, you are writting here, expressing it, you are looking for the light so I can see that you still have some hope that it might get better, but it can get better only if you are still alive. So if you feel suicidal, I would encourage you to contact suicide hotline from your country, it can help you to talk it through *hugs* You can find list of them here, if there is no from your country, try to google it. I write it because I care about you and I want you to feel better because I can see that it's very hard for you right now, and I know how hard it is to deal with it on your own.
P.S. I needed to edit your post a bit, to add trigger warning and edit some words, hope you don't mind, I didn't change much