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My partner is pushing me away
Depression Support / by seekingadvice12
Last post
October 12th, 2017
...See more Hello, Basically me and my partner have been together for 4 years, however we had this argument and since then she broke down and is depressed, well she was always depressed due to her family issues but she was always happy with me, like we loved each other a lot and we always did things together. I do regret getting into the argument with her and I blame myself everyday for it as now she is pushing me away. At first it was, I need a few days to myself before I can get back into our relationship, then it was less contact and un-responsive, like she couldn't say I love you back no matter how much I do say it. What makes it harder is, it is a distant relationship, so even though we would talk everyday or even see each other on Skype, we weren't physically together. It has been over 3 months with her feeling like this, yes I have seen her physcially since then and she seemed herself with me, but soon as I get back home, she is her normal depressing self. Just yesterday she blocked me from WhatsApp, saying she feels so guilty for making me suffer like this and that I should move on with someone as I don't want anyone etc etc. That she can't stop crying and yeah, basically wanted me to leave her alone. I said so many times that I love her and just want to support her, I said you should try makng a doctors appointment as it will help (but she replied with, all the doctors in her area are useless) as I think she tried before. I even said I will come to you and we can go together, but she doesn't want me to come and that even if I do come then she won't see me. So I don't know what to do now, I tried comforting her by saying I'd never leave you and that I think she is so beautiful and amazing, but she doesn't believe me and said I am fake and that if she was so amazing how come no one seems to like her, I even said but I love you so much and I like you very much. But yea apparently I don't count. So what do I do? I mean she's the love of my life and I just want to support her, yes this is killing me as I hate seeing her like this (which is why I think she wants me to leave her) but again I can't walk out on her as she is beyond special to me
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