Irritated for no reason. Is that normal?
For some reason after Friday I felt agitated. I couldn't stand being bothered with anyone in my family. Even when they were being nothing, but sweet and kind to me. Nothing significant happened. Friday was actually a good day. I haven't been in any stressful situations. Do any of you get like that too?
My moods have been all over the place lately. I just switched to new meds. I was actually feeling happy for a few days, and I've been a crying, crabby wreck the rest of the week >.<
@mermaidd94 @cheshire94 A few days ago my grandmother ask me if I was okay and I felt like crying.
@LainaghStory Isn't that the worst? x.x I bursted out crying in the car on the way to put gas in the car today -_-
@mermaidd The most embarrassing cry was while I was at work. I was cashing these two ladies out and they said something. It just pushed me over the edge ((mind you I had the most stressful day at work. People are scary when they are hungry)). I just started bawling like a kid. They didn't even say anything rude.
Awwww I'm sorry. That's rough, I know I'd feel the same way if I was in your shoes.