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I am feeling weird

Cnm123 July 3rd, 2019

What are your guys symptoms like i have never had depression before but I have been feeling weird lately. I feel overly sensitive I am worried that if I see or hear something negative I will become suicidal I have negative thoughts about being a failure when I get sad I can spend hours crying and the suicidal thoughts pop up in my brain. Has anyone here experienced this.

brookeg67 July 6th, 2019

@Cnm123 I

delightfulUnicorn38 July 6th, 2019


i m sorry to hear that really , well symptom of depression include this

Behavior not going out anymore getting things done at work/school

.withdrawing from close family and friends;relying on alcohol and sedatives;not doing usual enjoyable activities,unable to concentrate

Feelings :overwhelmed,guilty,irritable,frustrated, lacking in confidence; unhappy; indecisive;disappointed;miserable;sad

Thoughts ;'Im a failure.','Its my fault.';'Nothing good ever happens to me.','Im worthless.','Lifes not worth living.','People would be better off without me.'

Physical:tired all the time,sick and run down,headaches and muscle pains,churning gut,sleep problems;loss or change of appetite, significant weight loss or gain

here the 7 cups test you can use

and for dealing with suicidal thought here ; Are You Feeling Suicidal?

stay safe



hope you get better, seams all this confuse you