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Weekly Prompt #40: How does your depression affect your ability to care about and take care of others?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 30th
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. A few weeks ago we discussed: How has depression changed your perspective on life? []Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here [] and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you This week's prompt: How does your depression affect your ability to care about and take care of others? Depression can affect a person's ability to care about and take care of others. How it affect yours? Let's get started and share your thoughts with us. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts and ideas.  Join us in the 24/7 Depression Support Group Chat []
Weekly Prompt #39: How has depression changed your perspective on life?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 16th
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. A couple of weeks ago we discussed:  []Imagine a perfect day where you feel neither lonely nor depressed. Describe what that day would look like. [] Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you [] This week's prompt: How has depression changed your perspective on life? Let's get started and share your thoughts with us. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts and ideas.    Note: I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to depression every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.  [] Join us in the 24/7 Depression Support Group Chat []
Your Poem...
by EmmaE
Last post
July 17th
...See more Hi everyone, I came across this poem prompt and thought I'd share it here if anyone would like to try! ------------------------- My Poem (Title) My name is (name). Today I feel like a/an (adjective) (noun) (verb)ing in the (noun). Sometimes I am a/an (noun) Sometimes I am a/an (noun) But always I am (adjective). I ask the world, "(question)?" And the answer is a/an (repeat your words from line 2). ------------------------- If you’d like to join the depression support team, please check out THIS POST [] for more information. To join our tag list and receive notifications, click HERE [].
Busco apoyo
by Aniap34
Last post
September 11th
...See more   Tengoo 19 años, soy nueva en esto, conocí este sitio web, por internet, ya que he estado pasando por eventos depresivos, busco respuesta, o ayuda la verdad, cada día mis pensamientos me invaden, y me siento envuelta por mis mismas autocríticas, todo esto ha venido pasando desde hace unos tres meses, ya que la situación en mi país me ha afectado mucho, donde parte de mi familia está dividida por diferencia políticas, y aparte la situación económica no ayuda, mi única ayuda económica es mi madre, y si aún a mis 19 años sigo siendo una mantenida y eso me afecta mucho ya que siento una presión social al respecto, me han comparado con la vida de los demás y eso me frustra y hace sentir mal, cada día peor, actualmente estoy estudiando en la universidad, ya que en mi pais (Venezuela) si estudias no puedes trabajar, y si trabajas no puedes estudiar, y es asi, eh buscado distinta formas de salir adelante por mi misma, para ya no depender de mi mamá, pero no me funcionan y eso me hace pensar que soy una inútil, y me invaden pensamientos ¿Soy una carga para mí familia? ¿A caso no sirvo para nada? Y es abrumador, y siento que en algún momento perdere el control, yo solo quiero poder confiar en mi proceso, pero es difícil, y temo no lograrlo por qué mi peor enemigo soy yo! 
Getting Unstuck and Changing
by Hilltop9394
Last post
July 7th
...See more Hi this is in a way my first time using cups. I’ve been a member since late December but besides talking to a listener I’ve never used cups before. So sorry in advance if I’m doing something wrong. But I’ve just wanted to know some advice or help or something on getting unstuck. I have really bad issues with self worth and judgment. I would like to know some tips on getting up and changing. I know what I have to do but I feel too bad mentally to change. I feel like to change my actions I have to change my mental state, but to change my mental state I have to change my actions. So I find myself in a constant loop of being unhappy and rotting at home doing nothing. If anyone could give some advice or guidance I would be very appreciative. Also sorry if that’s a bit long. Thank you either way and good luck with everyone. 
I feel like I have tried everything, what else can I do
by politeBranch2505
Last post
June 24th
...See more Hi, I just made this account because I am having trouble figuring out what to do and I was hoping that asking somewhere like this might help. Basically, I feel like I have tried everything. I have been in therapy for four years with three different therapists, one for the past three years who I am now moving on from. I am home from college right now and I will be starting with someone new this fall. In any case, I have been on two different SSRI's and neither really helped. They put me on a low dose of abilify for a while to try to make one of the SSRI's work better and it didn't do anything but make me gain weight. I have been on pretty high doses of the SSRI's and it didn't help. Now I am trying Gabapentin, but it isn't making much of a difference yet. I was diagnosed with Celiac last year, and since then I have stopped eating gluten. I don't get much exercise or eat super well at college because of a lack of options, but now that I am home I both eat well and exercise. My periods are slightly irregular, but I have had my blood tested multiple times and all my hormones appear to be normal. I am on vitamin supplements. I have hobbies I am very passionate about, but when I feel like this I lose interest or energy for them. Basically, I feel like I have tried everything. I am actually okay some of the time, some of the time I am even really happy, but I am hopeless a significant amount of the time. Specifically, I will usually have one to two days a week where I am extremely hopeless and struggle to function at all. I have an intense feeling that I am not even human. I feel misplaced in my own body and nothing about the world makes sense to me. It is difficult because these episodes take up a lot of time, and even though I can think maybe I will feel better again, it is so painful when it is happening that that doesn't really seem worth it. And even when I am happy, I know that that intense pain will come again.  Between discussions with my psychiatrist, doctor, and therapist, it seems that I may have OCD and quite possibly autism, and these both feel like they match a lot of what I deal with, but I don't know what to do beyond being like "Yeah, that is probably the problem."  My main issue right now is I am getting really concerned about my ability to function. I graduate next year and I still cannot really function alone. I struggle with driving and I have very little endurance when it comes to doing things I don't like, which is most things. I don't want to have to rely on my parents forever, especially now that they are getting older. If I can't figure out how to start to function, I don't know how I will be able to survive. At this point I should add, I feel very lonely, even though I have good friends who are always telling me they love me. It just somehow feels hollow, because somehow I still feel like I am not really connected with them. At the end of the day I am never going to be their priority, and that is okay, because I can't ask that of them, but I feel I cannot survive on my own, and I am going to need someone to help me, and I am a difficult person to help. The reality is I cannot depend on my parents forever and I have no one else who is going to be able to support me, so I need to figure out how to help myself. But like I said, I don't know what else to try. I am just hoping some people might have some ideas or similar experiences of struggling with trying a lot of things and not finding solutions. Thanks.
Need help getting over traumatizing event
by Whimsyplant
Last post
June 2nd
...See more TW mention of needles  Hi! I'm 16 years old and I just joined this website because I'm seeking advice about overcoming my traumatizing experience I had when I was in the hospital for a week last December. For some context I have a long history of depression and my family is pretty emotionally unavailable. I have always had difficulty expressing feelings and bottling them up. Anyways, last December I went to the Hospital because I was experiencing severe dizziness and balance issues for weeks. Getting blood drawn and needles has always been my biggest fear and of course when I got admitted to the hospital I was getting my blood drawn everyday and sometimes multiple times a day. I've had to do many needle related tests too and for every procedure I had done I had severe anxiety/mental breakdowns. I had a break down literally every 45 minutes just because of the tubes I had in me or anything else and I was like this for the entire week I was there. Doctors never ended up figuring out what was wrong with me but I'm very thankful that the medication I was given completely cured me of all my symptoms but my problem is that I've had so many appointments post-hospital that kept reminding me about my traumatizing experience months after I got out and even now I can't help thinking about my horrible experiences very often. Usually I just zone out and think about (which makes me sad very often) but i've come to a realization that I need help getting over it. I've talked to my friends briefly about my experience and they are very supportive but I don't know why I still think about it..
why is this life so tough!!
by sensitiveBeing4828
Last post
May 19th
...See more so let me tell you what the problem is i am a final year just passed, now the thing is, i have been always great in studies, kind of a A grader throughout!! but after i got conferenced out from my nda ssb (a 5 day long interview to admissions into defence force's biggest institution), i feel my downfall has started and it is not coming to an end, got conferenced out, had a breakup, a very major one!! than a low score in priliminary university entrance exam, then i thought of improving it in another attempt but yes another low score, this time lower than what was before, but even with that low score i had qualified for advanced level exam, but a day before my final year result got announced and yet another downfall, and 10 day from now i have my advance exam, i dont know what am i doing on this planet!!
From Christian to Atheist. Confusion and depression
by Skyfrappe
Last post
May 15th
...See more I was born and raised in a Christian family, I was forced to go to church, there was a lot of pressure for me to get baptized and be a Christian. Because of all this, I ended up getting baptized twice. First, I got baptized when I was around 9 years old, I was such a goody two shoes type of person and I just wanted to please my family and get praised for being the good girl. Years later, I realized that maybe my faith wasn't real back then (obviously not) and I ended up getting baptized again when I was around 16 years old, again, I felt so much pressure to be a Christian, to be a good girl. Now that I am 21, now that I finally moved out, I have to say that I am officially an atheist. There are tons and tons of religions in the world, how am I supposed to know that mine is right? I feel so brainwashed all these years. I never got to question my faith and the bible until just recently. In fact, I was too young to really ,question anything, I grew up with the Christian mentality, I was just a kid. Now as an atheist, I am scared of something though. I always heard about that unbelievers will go to hell and even though I do not believe in God, I feel so paranoid that what if I am really going to hell. It is bothering me so much, and the idea is really disturbing. This depresses me.
Maoi parnate success and augment
by Brklyn1123
Last post
May 8th
...See more Hi all I'm a newbie to this site and this is my first post here goes  I'm a 20 year veteran of painful immense severe treatment resistant depression I've come to hate and despise most current meds ssris mainly for the damage they caused me  I'm currently on a handpicked by me potent med combo It consists first of the MAOI antidepressant parnate. Second the stimulant Adderall because both parnate alone and Adderall ALONE are both useless ineffective thrash however upon awakening I take both innediatly imnediatly together back to back  When I do this there's a spark I can feel and feel strongly both meds working and working well. I don't know why alone both are thrash all I can guess is they both either poteniate each other or have some kind of magical synergy I don't know why they work so well toghter and I don't care together they have been a blessing for me and I don't question blessings I also to add take with them a single small caffienr tablet for small added boost which i get this med combo hsd given me my life back. The reason why I even accept to use an maoi and NOT a ssti is aside the damage they caused me I don't like the way they work.ssris go in and target and then pound a single receptor site with nothing but serotonin and serotonin alone they over load the receptor with serotonin without any testing or way of knowing when enough serotonin has been raised  This just sounds dangerous and read it is I read the constant serotonin overload on a recptor site caused downregulation a actual decrease in serotonin.this isn't good or the fact it can also just over load and kill the recptor  I read in a medical book a doc who found a man and a year after the man stopping his prozac residue prozac could still be found. Maois as in the one I take work comptly different they don't target or hit any specific receptor site as well as don't just raise serotonin alone but raise all three major nuetotransmitters serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine EQUWLYvandcsafetlyvad well thank you for reading questions comments or just thoughts are greatly welcomed 
Just curious
by appledog2006
Last post
May 4th
...See more Just curious.... Today ...after having dinner my father just stood up and went to his room .....I very politely called my father and told him to pick and the put his plate in washing area .....then I got scolded by him ...that I am ordering him and the females of the house should do it not the man .....but everyone in my family after eating put their plates in washing area.....why father can't pick up his plate and put it washing that way my mother has to do less housework even it means very little.....was i really wrong?  I 
I don't want to die I just want to stop existing
by BeeNina
Last post
April 15th
...See more I often have this depressive thought. I'm sure that life of others would be better if I wasn't here. Also no more regretting no more mistakes, no more hurting seems so peaceful to me?
How to regain mental abilities like problem solving after months of depressive episodes
by ApurvaSingh123
Last post
March 31st
...See more I am a IIT JEE student, currently in grade 11. Even before preparing for it, I suffered with depression multiple times my life but now I think that i have learned to cope with it quite well. Now my biggest challenge is to re develop my problem solving abilities and analysis skills. Do you guys have any ideas? Any book/Thing that might help me.... Also I've recently started programming in C# and I've revisited my Physics basics with Concepts of physics by (HC Verma IIT Kharagpur Professor). In Maths I am using my Institute's material but I can't really solve most of the questions without using google lens
why am i such a failure
by ImAfailure11
Last post
March 20th
...See more why
How to get loved one to seek help?
by Evenstar8
Last post
March 13th
...See more I would like to start off by saying that I love my partner very much and I don't want to leave him when he is suffering. He is very sweet, funny, and considerate. But he is also extremely depressed and hates talking about his feelings (even to me, nd I've been with him 5 years). His family is emotionally abusive without realizing that they are. He only just started attempting self-care, so I don't want to push him into therapy just yet. But he needs professional help if this self-care doesn't work. How do I get him to do that? He is incredibly resistant and says he hates talking to people and that it "won't work anyway because nothing works". But on the really bad days this is having a negative impact on our relationship. He probably sees it as a waste of time and money. What do I do??? I am getting very tired of having to be constantly understanding when he shuts me out.

We hope that you can find some respite here from what you're going through. We all help each other through the darkness. Welcome, friends, to the Depression Support Community at 7 Cups. We're so happy you're here <3

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Adults & Teens: Join us in the Depression Support Room every Tuesday! The room is open for 24 hours. 

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Community Guidelines

Be gentle to yourself, you're doing the best you can. Remember that your feelings are your own, and no one can tell you that they are not valid.

Be gentle with others, because you don't know what they're going through.

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Community Resources

(all colourful text is clickable)

- 9 Types of Depression and How To Recognize Them 

- You don't have to understand, you just have to be present by @MarianaFilipaSouza6

A beautiful testament to the nature of depression

- Rethink Mental Illness: Depression

Basic information and facts

- Resource Masterpost by @Sealiously

A plethora of amazing links

- Depression Self Help Guide

Discover some ways to help manage what you're going through

- Safety Plan

Here's a safety plan for those who are passively suicidal. Your life is important

- Resources to Help Manage Depression

A collection of helpful links for more information and support

- Depression Community Path

A path that helps guide you through dealing with depression on a day to day basis

(Think that more resources should be here? Send a message to @EmmaE)