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JollyRacher March 16th

Rant incoming! 

I feel like a puppet. Strange way to start, but bear with me. At a young age I learned through my parents, teachers, and other adults that the way I behaved wasn't right. I talked too much, was too loud, didn't sit quietly, ask too many questions and the list goes on. Whenever I expressed myself I was told I was an attention seeker or just being difficult. I tried to just "be myself" but as time went on and I saw other people have friends and having fun I wanted that. I didn't have friends, and people didn't seem to like me at all. I got bullied a lot, and accepted that no one would like me. However, I didn't want to be alone anymore. Before I endured it, stayed true to myself until the loneliness got the better of me and I started wearing masks. 

If people wouldn't like me, then they would have to like the person they wanted me to be, right? So, I put on an act and indulged in things I didn't have the slightest interest in hoping I'd make friends. Even when I wore the mask, agreed with everything they said, they still laughed at me. I stopped trying to make friends after that. Later down the line, when I actually got into a good school and was getting straight A's that's when my parents started closing in on me. My oldest sister is an overachiever to the highest degree. 4.0 GPA, going into business and finance, trying to start her own company and everything. No doubt she is who my parents are most proud of out of all of us. Then, there's my brother who is more laid back. Also has a 4.0 GPA and is trilingual. He's trying to get into the medical field, and then there was me. The youngest who was failing all of her classes at every other school I entered, showing little to no promise in pretty much anything. All of a sudden I was a straight A student and bam they pounced on me. 

I crafted specific masks for almost all of the people around me, my parents were no different. Why can't I just tell the truth you ask, my parents couldn't handle the truth. It'd turn into a big fight, my dad would talk to us and then forget the conversation even happened. While my mom would see it as an attack at her, making her defensive and gaslight us into thinking we're the problem. So, eventually I just rolled over and let them win. Now, after all lot of reflecting, seeking help, therapy, and awareness I realized I was in fact being manipulated. If this manipulation was intentional or not I'm not sure but at this point it's irrelevant. 

When I look in the mirror I don't want to say hate, but I strongly dislike what I see. I gave everything away that made me me, so that everyone around me would be happy. I've worn so many masks that I don't remember what I actually look like. And that hurts me now, because I used to be someone. I used to have dreams and hopes as a child and now I don't even really know who I am anymore. Like a puppet you just take a string and make them do whatever you want them to do and then just toss them aside until you want to play with them again. When I look at myself it hurts because I know what I could be. I know what I want, and I know I can be who I want to be. At the same time, I'm stuck in this place where I can't do that. So, I'm left sitting and knowing what I can be but chained down to the reality that I'm not going to be able to achieve it. 

One day, I'll find a lock to the chain and wiggle my way out but one thing's for sure. Today's not that day.

bestVase7265 March 19th

I can understand your rant entirely. You have been through a lot.

Now is the time to start to slowly figure out a way out and back to the you that you want to be. Tell me more about what the you that you liked look like. What kinds of things did you like to do? Imagine that you are in a world in which your parents and "friends" didn't exist. What would you be doing right now? @JollyRacher

JollyRacher OP March 20th


From what I can recall, I really liked rock collecting as a kid. I'd bring rocks home all the time, and I really enjoyed those build your own car or mechanical puzzle games. Random animal facts, painting but I wasn't good at drawing still I tried. In a perfect world, I would probably focus more on myself. Go to the gym more, I'd swim more often, invest in therapy. Hang out with my siblings and spoil them. The funniest thing to me is that when people ask me what do I want all I can think of is just having time to myself. A year where I'm not at home, where I can just be and figure myself out. Not worrying about my parents or who's going to watch my siblings, or how am I going to keep the house from falling apart. Just me taking my time to get healthier, stronger, smarter, and make all of those little dreams I had a reality. 

bestVase7265 March 22nd

So one of the first keys is to find mini moments to yourself within your current schedule to do some of those very things. When was the last time that you had an hour to go rock hunting? What about buying  a small mechanical kit to build? What about finding an hour to swim or go to the gym? Doing all of those things makes all the other stuff more manageable. Think less in terms of a year break and more in terms of a daily 15-30 minutes. It creates a sense of hope that you can build from. @JollyRacher

bestVase7265 March 31st

How have you been doing lately?

JollyRacher OP March 31st


Definitely better, trying to do things that make me happy. I finished a short collection I was writing that I am quite proud of. Overall, it feels like I am sitting in the eye of the storm. Finding peace in the chaos and waiting out for the storm to calm. 

I appreciate you checking up on me and I hope you're doing well yourself. 


bestVase7265 April 1st

I am doing fine. Glad to hear about your accomplishments! That sounds awesome.

Feel free to come to this spot any time that things get rough for a place to vent and get a little encouragement. I usually answer within 24-48 hours. @JollyRacher

Tinywhisper11 March 31st

@JollyRacher 😞😞 awww sweetie, that really sucks. Family pressure, peer pressure is really hard to cope with. I hope that little girl with big dreams inside you is still alive, and can grow big again. And the light that went out, I hope we can turn back on. Hugs you tightly ❤❤ I love you ❤