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Dealing with the void created by a recent seperation

doeji January 29th, 2021

Earlier in the week my partner and I decided it was best to call it quits. It's clear that at the moment in time due to circumstaces completley out of our hands, we currently can't be what we need of each other. It's incredibly hard. As a person who in previous relationships lived up under my signinficant others like worms under big rocks, this time was different. I made sure to make time for myself and time for my family and friends. Even still, only a few days after making the decision I feel so cold and alone. It's so weird to not have that morning chat or midday ranting about silly stuff happening at our respective work places. Sharing funny tiktoks back and forth or youtube recipes we told each other we wanted to try once the pandemic has reached a better point.

I have 2 other pals I can talk to, but at this point I feel so miserable to continue to tell them how sad I am and as much as I care for my other friends and for the time I spend alone, it feels like absolutely nothing can console the emptiness I feel that only my previous partner could effortlessly provide.

WhiteAura9 January 29th, 2021

@doeji I am truly sorry for how you feel. I know this pandemic only makes things worse. Although I'm glad you have 2 pals to turn to, although at the moment it may feel like a task.

Separation is always painful. You're reminded of the good times, and the daunting absence of it, as well as you miss having someone to comfortably talk to or turn to on a regular basis. But I'm sure you've had your reasons for separation. Now that you're your own person, remind yourself of all the reasons why it was the right decision to call it quits. See that this phase will only help you re-discover yourself and your needs. I would recommend figuring out what you are good at or what you'd like to do as a hobby or pastime, and divert your attention and energy to it. Join online forums and interact with newer people, too, if it feels right. If you feel gloomy, take your time, do not force yourself to do anything you don't feel like doing. Just know that your pals and us guys at 7cups are always going to be here for you. Watch comedy sitcoms or movies too, if you'd like. That may cheer you up. Or on the contrary, start a new workout routine or yoga, to keep yourself grounded.

Know that you're allowed to be sad. It is normal to feel that way. But also know this, you are not always going to feel this way. This phase is meceneces for letting it all out of your system. Acknowledge how you feel, and do not try to run away from your feelings.

WhiteAura9 January 29th, 2021

@doeji Figure out what's hurting the most so that you can make peace with it. Some people wait for apologies that never happen, and some for closure. But closure is in your hands, and you know it. This relationship is over but what you've learnt from it will shape your future relationships.

If you want to talk in detail, let me know how I may best support you. I am here for you.heart

doeji OP January 30th, 2021

Thank you so much for this really thoughtful response. I appreciate it.