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Check-in Buddy Space for Day and jesusredeemedme2425

Daydreamer47 February 23rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 How is your week going?

jesusredeemedme2425 February 24th


Sorry!!! The notifications are acting weird and not telling me when I get one. lol

Ugh life is weird and crazy. lol


Daydreamer47 OP February 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Weird and crazy sounds about right lol. I was supposed to go out on a date today but the person just completely disappeared... So now I am reading and doing puzzles by myself lol

jesusredeemedme2425 February 24th


Their loss!!!! :D

You win. You get a self-care night and they get to go be alone by themselves. Right??? ;)

Daydreamer47 OP February 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Lol thanks I appreciate it. :) I would have gone to a dance class tonight instead if they gave me a heads up so I'm annoyed :/ But there's a class tomorrow I can go to instead

jesusredeemedme2425 February 24th


Ooh what kind of dancing??? I used to swing dance a lot lol. I sucked at it tho XD

Daydreamer47 OP February 24th

Aww it actually is west coast swing! I hope you go again even if you are not an expert it's OK. It seems to help my mood and mental health

jesusredeemedme2425 February 24th

Now it's not giving me a reply button. Ugh... lol

What's the difference between west coast and east coast swing? How long have you been doing it?

Daydreamer47 OP March 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Hello, how are you? I have been doing it since college. West coast is the more modern version and east coast is usually done to swing/jazz music.


I must have been doing east coast because I was doing it to swing music. I think. Lol

I sucked at it lol

Doing great! Did you see my Secret Santa post?? <3

Daydreamer47 OP March 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Aww well having fun and groovin' is all that matters lol

No I get so many notifications lol



You should go check it out ;)

So tell me more about you? :)

Daydreamer47 OP March 7th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Where is it? Is it in the Depression forum?

Daydreamer47 OP March 7th

And if it's ok, I was hoping to chat about emotions a bit more.. I'm feeling lonely today a lot.



Absolutely! Vent away! <3 I'm here for you, and I'm here to listen <3



The Secret Santa post is in Icebreakers and Games, in the Fun section <3

Daydreamer47 OP April 22nd

hello how are you doing? I don't know why I am feeling super lonely this weekend. I think it's because I had a week off which kind of made me more lonely. I have a date planned for next weekend though :)

jesusredeemedme2425 April 23rd


Ooh I want deets!!! Hehe

I'm doing... Eh. Dealing with sensory overload again. :(

Daydreamer47 OP April 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 He is a nerdy animal person like me haha. He has a pet frog, lizard, and snake. :)

Sorry you are dealing with sensory overload. Is that like being sensitive to light/sounds or more like overwhelmed with responsibilities?

jesusredeemedme2425 April 24th


Oohhhh I love that!!! I’ve owned an iguana and two snakes <3

The second one. And customers bugging me at work XD