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Weekly Prompt #40: How does your depression affect your ability to care about and take care of others?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 30th
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. A few weeks ago we discussed: How has depression changed your perspective on life? []Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here [] and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you This week's prompt: How does your depression affect your ability to care about and take care of others? Depression can affect a person's ability to care about and take care of others. How it affect yours? Let's get started and share your thoughts with us. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts and ideas.  Join us in the 24/7 Depression Support Group Chat []
Weekly Prompt #39: How has depression changed your perspective on life?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 16th
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. A couple of weeks ago we discussed:  []Imagine a perfect day where you feel neither lonely nor depressed. Describe what that day would look like. [] Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you [] This week's prompt: How has depression changed your perspective on life? Let's get started and share your thoughts with us. I look forward to hearing all your thoughts and ideas.    Note: I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to depression every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.  [] Join us in the 24/7 Depression Support Group Chat []
Your Poem...
by EmmaE
Last post
July 17th
...See more Hi everyone, I came across this poem prompt and thought I'd share it here if anyone would like to try! ------------------------- My Poem (Title) My name is (name). Today I feel like a/an (adjective) (noun) (verb)ing in the (noun). Sometimes I am a/an (noun) Sometimes I am a/an (noun) But always I am (adjective). I ask the world, "(question)?" And the answer is a/an (repeat your words from line 2). ------------------------- If you’d like to join the depression support team, please check out THIS POST [] for more information. To join our tag list and receive notifications, click HERE [].
Not ok but acting ok
Last post
September 29th
...See more I've been running from my demons, afraid to look behind I've been running from myself, afraid of what I'd find But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am? And how could I give you all of me when I'm only half a man? 'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, so let go of my hand Oh how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man? And no one can ever hurt me like I hurt myself 'Cause I'm made out of stone And I'm beyond help, don't give your heart to me
I lost myself
by LonelySoul1111
Last post
September 9th
...See more Hi... im spanish speaker, so... i still learning english!  I feel sad. I ended a relationship in which I suffered a lot. I don't want to make this long, so I'll be brief. My bf belittled me and had anger issues; he would take it out on me, say hurtful things... that our relationship seemed like a waste of time to him, I made many mistakes—I am NOT perfect—but I always tried to make things right between us. He was the type of person who enjoyed doing activities with others that he no longer wanted to do with me, and that hurt me deeply. He would always say that I was his priority, yet his actions told a different story. I feel terrible about myself for putting up with this kind of treatment, and I feel empty because I spent so much time hoping things would improve when they only got worse. I don’t know how to feel about it. At 23 years old, I have never felt truly loved by anyone; people tend to leave me. I’ve always felt like everyone’s last choice, and that hurts so much. Throughout my life, I have suffered many things: bullying, harassment, mistreatment, and my bf knew this, yet he still invalidated my emotions because, to him, it didn’t compare to what he had suffered. He made me feel really bad... I have no one else to talk to about all of this, so I decided to share this today.
Feeling Like a Failure at 20: Struggling with Loneliness, Self-Doubt, and Finding My Path Forward
by Caesar2024
Last post
August 19th
...See more I Feel Like I’ve Failed at Life at 20 Years Old: My Story I'm almost 20 years old now, and I can't help but feel like I've failed at life. If I look back at what I've done so far, nothing seems valuable. I didn't go to school very often because I stutter, and this kept me isolated. Instead, I spent most of my time at home, doing things on my computer. Writing this makes me tear up because I feel like a failure. I avoided school because my classmates made fun of me. They laughed at my stutter, gave me cruel nicknames, and made me feel different. Because of this, I don’t have any friends. I've always felt like an outsider. In fact, as a 20-year-old man, I’ve never even talked to a girl. I've spent my entire life avoiding social situations because everyone would joke about my stutter. I failed in education as well. The only thing I found comfort in was my computer. While I didn't go to school much, I did spend a lot of time learning about IT and programming. For some reason, technology was different for me; I could understand it easily. I didn’t remember much of the math, science, or history I was supposed to learn, but I found myself drawn to video editing, design, and eventually, full-stack web development. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge in this area, and I think I’m actually good at it. I can build applications using tools like JavaScript, Node, and Next.js. Right now, I’m working on building a backend portfolio. But despite this, I still feel like I’ve failed. I failed my country’s main exam once, and the second time I tried, I didn’t even show up because Iwas bitten by a snake, and honestly, I hadn’t studied anyway. Until I turned 18, I didn’t really feel the weight of all this. But now, I do. I feel alone. I feel like my chances in life are gone, and I don’t have another opportunity. Most of the time, I feel like I just need a hug. I’ve always wanted to go to the USA, find my wife, and live my life there. But now, it seems like that dream is slipping away. When I told this to my friends, they just laughed at me. Everyone says, “You can't do that,” even my online gaming friends. And now, it seems like they were right. It brings me to tears whenever I think about it. I feel so alone. No one chats with me, no one calls me, no one.  I feel like a failure. I’m from South Asia, and when I was younger, my dream was to go to the USA. I wanted to marry an American girl, have kids, and live a happy life. But now, that dream feels impossible. My family is poor, and I can't afford to get a degree. The cost is just too high. So, I’ve been trying to teach myself. I’ve had this feeling of failure and loneliness for many months now, and it doesn’t seem to go away. There’s another exam coming up for my country, and I plan to take it, but I’m not sure I have the knowledge to pass. That’s my reality. I feel alone, and I feel like I’ve failed. Do you think I can still achieve my dreams? Any advice?
Getting things off my chest...
by GreekCatPerson
Last post
August 15th
...See more I don't really know who knows my story and how much of my story you know. I have posted before, and I also put a small intro on my profile. Today is a very bad day for me. I have been feeling helpless, and I feel at any moment something horrible will happen to make my life even worse. I have no family, and I have no friends. I come to 7 cups every day, and I have connections with several people that I could call friends and family. But the problem is that everyone has their own problems, their own life, their own challenges just like I do. The only difference is that it feels that people have support systems, whether it's a family member, a friend, and/or a therapist who is willing to catch them if they fall. I literally fell, and everyone in my life scattered because of my attempt and because of finding out that I was a cheater. Yes, I was unfaithful to my wife and, honestly, I could live with the suffering of my crime, but the fact that the woman that I truly did love hates me so much... The amount of damage that I have caused with my actions goes beyond my conviction, beyond my ability to forgive myself. I feel the pain I caused my wife, I feel the pain I caused my mother-in-law, my father-in-law. They loved me so much, and I betrayed them. And it's not okay. It's not who I am now.  I broke myself, physically, mentally, and emotionally. They say that once the glass is cracked it can't be fixed. I want to offer a different opinion, the glass is cracked and therefore is 10 times more important to realize how delicate the glass is now and try to repair instead of replacing it. I know my wife is not here, she's too strong to ever let depression get to her, but to her I want to say that I learned what is important in life. Those 4 years in prison taught me so much and you're the only one I want to see benefit from those lessons. I love you, and I pray every day that God inspires you to feel that I am not the monster you think I am. And I hope one day you reach out to me. I will be here, waiting, crying, and praying. You matter to me, you mean everything to me.
It hurts
by understandingPear3409
Last post
August 11th
...See more Nothing can ever match this pain I’m feeling 
waking up
by sunnyangel3333
Last post
August 8th
...See more every day when i wake up in the morning, i feel the most depressed than any other time. sometimes i lay there and wonder why i'm even here, realize that i'm alone. all i want is to wake up and talk to someone again, be able to wake up and text someone, or wake up and see someone. i just start off the day feeling horrible, and have no one to support me when it gets rough. I just want someone to be there again that i can love and who will love me that i can look forward to seeing everyday. I would seriously just give anything for someone like that right now
all i want....
by StarrySkies1236
Last post
August 8th
...See more i just want to be chosen first for once in my life....and not because i need to be fit into something. all i want is for something to see me without me making it clear to everyone. to have someone who's able to see past my carefully constructed mask. and sure, i do it to keep myself safe but it's so d-mn tiring to have to keep it in place when all i get is stress and "tough love". the amount of times i run away in my mind is upsetting and it shouldn't be this way, that's what they all say but you never try to change it. i didn't ever go to those places before but now i'm just so tired of the same old patterns and i would give anything to be able to walk away once and for all. 
Feeling bad about life
by courageousSkies1533
Last post
August 6th
...See more I dont rlly know how or where to start but at least im not keeping this inside So yeah basically to give yall a bit of context, i finished high school a couple of months ago it was chill but yeah saying this summer has been awful is an understatement tbh I've spent the past 2 month since i finished high school very much locked inside my bedroom, i dont know what to do, i got no friends, i got no one to be with, spend the summer with, to have fun with, etc, and its really disappointing, and this loneliness is rlly driving me crazy I never really liked my class much during high school, but there were a couple of friends i used to be close with, sometimes after school we'd go out and do something, watch a movie and yeah stuff like that, and i really thought they were gonna be those friends that yk, that u make and you gonna be with them after school, still be close with them even if u follow different paths etc, but as soon as school ended, we barely talked, and that *** rlly broke me. I remember, i was grinding gym like crazy at the beginning of the summer (2 months ago +/-) but a month into it and i started thinking, and overthinking and thinking again of my social life, seeing myself locked inside my bedroom doing nothing, the only thing i was doing was just going to gym alone and nothing more, spending all day everyday alone, absolute silence, not talking to anyone except myself for days, the moment i started noticing that, that i genuinely have no friends in a moment of my life where i hate being at home for too long, i wanna be outside having fun, that *** killed me, i started getting sad, and with that came the loss of motivation, i stopped grinding the gym, i try to but i barely go there now.. not only i feel alone, but i feel useless, like im just here, doing nothing.. im not contributing to anyone's life, nothing.  Something i've always loved doing was playing games, and i thought that was never going to end, but even that.. i havent had any joy playing any kind of game for the past month or two, even some people close to me found that weird when i said that to them. And as if all that wasnt enough, to follow the studies i want to, i need to start working asap since they're quite expensive, so I've been applying for multiple jobs(something i had already tried to do at the beginning of 2024) but nobody wants me since i never had a job, so yeah i have no experience, basically no one wants me because of that i believe, it's so *** frustrating tbh im gonna explode. And the fact i cant talk about anything to anyone, im simply cant talk about myself, my personal problems, my issues to anyone, I simply cant, i wouldn't even be able to get the words outta my mouth properly if i even dare to try, i had all this essay stuck inside my chest, that makes me crazy, it's always been like that for years, I'd rather explode or die than having to explain, and try to elaborate on my problems, on my struggles to my close ones on a conversation, i wouldn't do it to save my life. It's funny, because i was an arts student, altho i hated and hate arts, and the final project was building a self representative sculpture, basically, the sculpture itself had to have elements that relates mostly to our personality and mental aspects, and it was the worst thing ever for me tbh, i had to represent there and talk about stuff that makes me hella uncomfortable, even because the "inner" me and "outter" me are wayyy different if u get what i mean. Im a fun guy to be and hang out with, but inside im a bit of an overthinking storm, so had to talk about a part of me no one had any idea there was, it was one of the most uncomfortable and unenjoyable things I've done in life i could hear my voice shaking, and just wanted to disappear tbh, it's a massive struggle, i think for this specific issue maybe i should find professional help eventually, i mean, whenever i try to start talking about the most minor of my issues on earth, it's like i lose the ability to speak and think straight.. But yeah, not having friends at all, spending all days alone, seeing how i lost all motivation to go to gym, struggling so much to find any job which i desperately need, everything's slowly killing me, i can tell that, im on a massive downhill since the beginning of june.. Sorry for the essay, those were the best words i could find to describe what's wrong, if there are any misspelled words im sorry, i wrote all that slightly mad and cba to double check the text either cuz im quite sleept
by TheBestScreenName
Last post
July 28th
...See more well, it is interesting, to have my moms car finally crap out, i been out of a car for a few months now, i hated and loved that pos car, i was making it mine, and i enjoyed having it look on the outside absolutely nuts, but super clean inside. my depression has gotten worse, summer is kicking in and i dont enjoy the outdoors as much as i use too, i havent been exercising, and im not doing the typical things people are supposed to do to get through depression, because why bother it seems like. i envy people that can be like, well im depressed ima go exercise and do this and that and ima feel better and ima keep doing it every day and tackle this. i cant do it anymore. or i dont want to, or both i get little swings of positivity that i can change things and get my life on track and then an hour or day later it is gone no point in talking anymore to a psychologist. bout as useful as talking to a tomatoe.
The void within me
by LittleNini16
Last post
July 16th
...See more The world around me seems to be losing its meaning and I'm drowning in the shallowness of hopeless People are fading away, and I'm left wondering what's the point of it all. My life feels like a meaningless blur a never-ending cycle of emptiness,I'm yearning for something real,something that gives me a reason to keep going,everything feels so artificial,one moment they seem real and the next they become a disaster like a facade hiding the truth i'm searching for authenticity something that makes life worth living,the emptiness is suffocating a constant reminder that I can never be perfect,something is missing I can't point out but something is missing within me,I'm reaching out for a lifeline, a purpose that gives my life meaning but who knows will I find a lifeline before am gone forever I'm struggling to find my place. I crave depth and a reason to keep moving forward,but I can't find any reason....... Is my life worth living..
A letter that cannot be sent
by passionateHuman556
Last post
July 13th
...See more Dear God Hope you’re doing well. You must be the busiest being out there if your existence is real. Your burden is beyond my imagination, your efforts have my appreciation. I don’t mean to bother you, but I have tried everything else and it doesn’t help much. I really hope you can.  I’ve been giving quality efforts in my every role. I work sincerely. I’ve been kind. I’ve shown resilience and empathy, even towards those who acted unforgivably. I made mistakes too but none gruesome enough to deserve all this pain. I’m suffering. I’m doing various things and I’m suffering at the end of every success and failure alike. Nothing matters. I don’t know what makes me happy anymore but it is certainly not on the list of things I can do by myself. I need help. Please be kind enough and spare some time for me. Heal me and then may be I can be of more help to you too.  If your hands are tied, I can understand.  Thankyou for reading Take good care of yourself, My best regards
I am losing faith in women supporting each other.
by PopPunkPrincess17
Last post
July 5th
...See more Feel free to change my mind in the comments, because I know this is going to be a biased take, but I will make one thing clear: I do not hate my gender. I'm mainly ranting about how women online talk about supporting and uplifting each other because I have never been in a female space (both online and in-person) where I felt like I was part of a truly supportive "gal group". This is mainly with online spaces since I play a ton of Overwatch 2 but I have lost faith in women supporting and uplifting each other because it is something I see practiced more than preached online. And I know I'm going to get comments from people telling me to be the change I want to see in the world but I am struggling with trust issues and just a lessening hope for humanity more and more. I fear socializing, and I hate social events. I cannot have a conversation with women outside of my social circle about my hobbies and interests because I know they will just judge me and make fun of me. The whole gamer girl spaces/communities thing just feels so fake because when I join these spaces they're either dead/mostly inactive or they're highly toxic and full of bullies and pick-me girls. The fact that I am a woman of color who isn't considered the beauty standard and possibly neurodivergent doesn't help my case, since girls seem to mainly support pretty girls, particularly those of the beauty standard (despite the common take I see on social media of girls disliking when other girls are prettier than them; I somehow always see the opposite).

We hope that you can find some respite here from what you're going through. We all help each other through the darkness. Welcome, friends, to the Depression Support Community at 7 Cups. We're so happy you're here <3

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Be gentle to yourself, you're doing the best you can. Remember that your feelings are your own, and no one can tell you that they are not valid.

Be gentle with others, because you don't know what they're going through.

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Community Resources

(all colourful text is clickable)

- 9 Types of Depression and How To Recognize Them 

- You don't have to understand, you just have to be present by @MarianaFilipaSouza6

A beautiful testament to the nature of depression

- Rethink Mental Illness: Depression

Basic information and facts

- Resource Masterpost by @Sealiously

A plethora of amazing links

- Depression Self Help Guide

Discover some ways to help manage what you're going through

- Safety Plan

Here's a safety plan for those who are passively suicidal. Your life is important

- Resources to Help Manage Depression

A collection of helpful links for more information and support

- Depression Community Path

A path that helps guide you through dealing with depression on a day to day basis

(Think that more resources should be here? Send a message to @EmmaE)