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talk some sense to me

FrozenRob0t September 11th, 2022

Im in my second year of university, and i’m honestly not coping well at all. Im currently abroad alone but even if i were studying at home, it would be still as depressing or worse. I am used to the fact that I can’t rely on my parents for me emotional well-being or anything related - my dad himself keeps reminding me of his sickness and how he isn’t going to live long enough to support the family anymore, and I don’t wanna stress my mom with any more problems - and even if i do tell about my problems there’s nothing she can actually say or do to help.

School wise, I really want to quit or change my degree - i have been struggling so so hard and ended up relying on a friend non stop, as much as I feel terrible and incredibly bad for asking for her help everytime, i’m always twice as scared of failing my course because i would be wasting precious money to retake a course just because I failed and didn’t ask for help. I’ve been stuck in this since uni first started. every night, every single night subconsciously i would just think what if i had chosen a different path i wouldn’t have to feel this depressed , i wouldn’t have to feel this pathetic, hopeless and helpless. I have always dreamt of being independent and knowing what shit I am going to do, dreamt of being confident person without relying much help from anyone because i really do not want to ask for help anymore. The only reason why I asked for help would just be because of the thought of wasting money to redo a course. Just a moment ago, she messaged me saying she felt used because she kept helping me and didn’t receive help from me. Although I did help her sometimes, I bet she felt like those small things were nothing compared to how much she helped me. As much as I am grateful for her, I wished I never met her because then I would have so desperately relied on myself even if it meant me crying every time I encounter a problem bc that would mean i’m not relying on anyone. But i’m always contradicting myself despite the thoughts i have inside. I hate myself so much. I hate this version of me right now. I hate this feeling whenever someone tells me i’m the reason they feel hurt and used. It was never my intention to It was really not my intention to. but what was I supposed to do. I literally have no one who can comprehend what’s going on in my head right now, i have talked to my closest friends and ranted to them some time back but most of the time, the feeling of this guilt, helplessness and hopelessness just doesn’t go away, I just felt the same because my problems don’t go away even if i talk about it. So what if it feel better ranting it out, my problems don’t go away, they stay and I just feel the same as before, hopeless.

A Common phrase to comfort someone is that “ it’s okay u tried your best”, “it’s okay because u tried your best” but i don’t even deserve to hear those words because deep down I somehow know I didn’t do my best. Nothing i achieved was done w the best of my ability, i couldn’t bring myself to do my best because i couldn’t find meaning in doing my best. I would just feel more exhausted and tired than before. The results wouldn’t give me much happiness (even temporary) anyway.

The only thing comforting me right now is the fact that I’m not going to live for a long time, I’m going to leave everyone someday and then i am able to finally take a break because i’m slowly finding there’s no purpose in continuing living this life.

right now i’m just so so so tired and exhausted of trying. i despise myself for feeling this shit. I despise myself for making people tell me that they feel used because i kept asking for help. I despise myself so much I can’t wait to leave.

I don’t even have the money to see a therapist and because one it costs money, second my parents would have to know and pay fees which makes me feel even more guilty and thirdly i am already so close to reaching my limit.

A part of me wished i could do better than this and stand up and continue doing my shit and complete my degree but a part of me just wants to rest and have a break from it all. I’m just so confused and tired.

Dulcinea1 September 11th, 2022

I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through such a painful time. But please hang in there. I’ve experienced deep sadness and hopelessness and what I can say is that it’s horrible, but there is an end to it, and it is not to end your existence, but to remember that you are able to experience joy and peace and love. The feeling of having failed others just by being here is a terrible thing to experience, but that is not the full picture. Even if your friend is telling you she’s a little worn down by how much you’ve need her, the fact that she has chosen to help you means she thinks positively of you, that you’ve earn her feelings of affection, whichever these might be. It is hard to see the full picture when you’re in pain, but don’t believe all the negative things your mind might be telling you, there is a lot more of who you are than that.

I don’t know if I can offer you much advise, but I can tell you this: I am happy that you’re here. Because it means that you’re fighting, it means also that my own feelings of terrible sadness are not alone in this world, that there are people out there also trying really hard to get better, to fight back, to not give up. Please don’t give up. The moments when you’re feeling defeated by these tricky negative feelings is not the time for making any big decisions. It can help to treat is as you would a physical wound or illness, to get rest and to breathe through the pain, and eventually it will heal, even if it’s just a little bit each day.

like you, I cannot afford therapy, but I can share with you some of the tools I’ve found here and there to help me through. There’s two forms of activities that are like therapy that have helped me a lot, maybe you might want to try.

One is EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. You don’t need a therapist for this, and I often try it myself with a YouTube video or something like it ,of a ball moving from left to right on the screen. That’s the idea, to follow with your eyes left to right an object while you think of your target (the emotions that are affecting you). Then you switch to a positive belief about yourself, even if it doesn’t feel like the truth, and do the eye movement again. The point is to help your body relax and stop sending you strong messages that might cause distress.

Butterfly hugs work the same way, you cross your arms around you and tap rhythmically on your shoulders, left, right, left right… it helps your brain get out of the fight/flight response and it might help you relax.

And always remember to breathe, breathe deeply and let your body relax. Sit for a minute somewhere and just breathe with a soft glaze on your surroundings. Maybe you’ll see the leaves on the trees moving softly, or a little ant trying to find her way through the wall… allow yourself this little bits of time to reconnect and to nurture yourself, you deserve it, you really do.

The other activity I do when I am struggling is tapping therapy. You can find lots of examples online, just google EFT (emotional freedom techniques). It is a simple, repetitive exercise to soothe your nervous system and help your vagus nerve relax. You can look up the tapping points, is on your hand, top of the head, front of eyebrow, back of eyebrow, under the eye, under the nose, chin, near your heart and under the arm.

The first line you say while doing the tapping is very moving to me. You say:”even though I (add negative emotion/belief here) I deeply and completely love and accept myself”, for example you might say “even though I feel that I’m a failure, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. You repeat this 3 times then start adding feelings and contrasting those with positive beliefs. The point is not to deny your negative feelings, they are real enough, but they are not the full picture.

I’ve also found a couple free groups on meetup that do sessions like this, and other support groups there too.

It helps to remember that emotional distress also happens in the body, and you can try to reach yourself through your body, always doing what feels right for you, even if that means to rest for the day.

another useful resource for me has been meditation, and there’s an app called Waking Up that if you email them telling them you can’t afford to pay their subscription they will give it to you for free for a year, no questions asked. And you can renew after that year too.

I like Waking Up, it has short meditations and conversations with many interesting people, many of them healers in their own way. Maybe one of them will resonate with you. I like to listen to their talks while I work, like a podcast.

My favorite is David Whyte, he reads his poems in the app and talks through them, I find it very soothing..

and metta meditation is a very good way to give back, when you cannot physically do so, even if it’s just in the wish to give back. You think of someone you care deeply about, and you say to yourself thinking of them: “may you be happy, May you be free from suffering “ sometimes is good to remind ourselves that we do wish good things to people, even if we blame ourselves for leaning in them too heavily at times. When you remind yourself of that you can begin to acknowledge that you’re not a bad person for needing them, and you’re working on getting better, and that’s ok, as long as no one gets hurt.

and through my school library I’ve found access to books and audiobooks that have helped me through some rough times. “Radical Compassion” by Tara Brach is one of these books, it might be free online too..

I am just sharing what has helped me, and I hope can help you.

You’re strong, don’t forget that. You’re not alone.

FrozenRob0t OP September 13th, 2022

Hi, I’m really thankful for this. Thank you for reading everything and typing out all these messages, i can’t explain in words accurately but I really appreciate this, thank you