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new needing help

I have been recently diagnosed with depression by a counsellor at my university and I feel that I have been ok for a little while however I have had the most horrific things happening to me for a little while and I am really struggling to cope I used to hurt myself when I was younger and I don't want to put myself through that again it took me too long and I worked too hard by myself to stop but I feel like I'm drowning again and I don't know what I can do I don't talk to people very well and my fiancé although I love him and he loves me he doesn't understand and I don't know how to bring the subject up I would really appreciate any advice or help thanks.. X

Catlife March 1st, 2015

Hi lovely, I know exactly how you're feeling right now. Being diagnosed is the first hurdle, but you're actively seeking help instead of hiding away which is great! My boyfriend if 5 years doesn't understand either, but try not to hold it against them, it's a difficult thing for people to understand unless they've gone/going through it themselves.If you need to chat I'll be here :)

philosophicalStrawberries1483 OP March 1st, 2015

Thanks I tried to explain it and was met with blank stares and a I'm really sorry I'm trying to understand but it just means I'm stuck with none to talk to but I thort if I could chat on here it might help I was told to try not to bottle things up but the more things get on top of me the harder it gets! I tried talking to my counsellor but I don't really like her much not cause shes a bad person I just clash with her and its awkward but thank you for your offer of a chat it's getting late now but it would be lovely to chat with you tomorrow?? X

Catlife March 3rd, 2015

Hi so sorry! My phone has been playing up the last couple of days, couldn't get the app to open at all! How are you feeling? It gets better, what always helps me is thinking "in a months time I'll look back on this and think 'why was I so upset'?" Depression comes and goes, it's just finding ways of controlling it that works for you! Have you ever read anything about CBT? It might help you, try getting a book from a store about it, it helps you control thought processes and how to turn them into a positive, in basic terms :) x

Catlife March 3rd, 2015

Also, I've never foundcounsellingto work for me but I study Psychology so I've picked up some 'tools' from that. If you find yourcounsellortoo abrasive maybe it's worth finding somebody else? Just think, do you want to pay someone who you struggle to connect with? People are in this profession to help, so seek someone who works for you. It's your mental health and yes you can be selfish and put yourself first! Don't feel guilty about doing so. x

Abigailwilbour7070 March 3rd, 2015

I know exactly how you are feeling, pm message me and I will try my best to understand and give you advice😊x