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Things no one told me about depression

Celaeno August 24th, 2015

Last two weeks were really tough for me. Recovery from my depression seems distant and unattainable, so I decided to put my feelings into words. This is my description of how it is to be depressed.

Depression is boring. Like really boring. Nothing ever happens in your life, your days blur and look painfully plain: you lay in bed, you stay inside, you sleep, sometimes you cry. It seems you are stuck in a time loop, day after day the same mundane surroundings, the same shallow activities. Your life became a never-ending series of daunting tasks you really have no desire to complete. You wait for something, but no one knows for what, including yourself. You just wait and quietly dare to hope that tomorrow you will feel better.

Time and space warp. You can't remember if you shower yesterday or three days ago. You forget why you entered the room. You don't feel hungry, but you can't recall if you ate dinner. Or breakfast, for that matter. Your private universe seems to shrink to the four walls of your room. Everything slows down, and even then you feel you can't catch up with the world.

It's not always being sad. Sometimes it's anger and being on the verge of tears, and sometimes it's overpowering numbness. It's restless and over-analyzing everything, and sometimes it's frightening paralysis. It's guilt, and anxiety, and self-loathing, and distress, and constant fatigue. You're a whirlwind of emotions and a hollow pit at the same time. You mislaid the hope for a better tomorrow.

Depression silences you. You don't have the energy to speak up, so you slowly lose your voice. You can't reach out, you think you must suffer in silence. In times of the greatest need, when the simple act of supporting you could make such a difference, you are unable to ask for attention. You can't give vent to the gravity of your pain. As much as society wants to believe in that, you can't turn your sadness into heartwarming art. You don't even have the energy to consider creating anything, because you think you are worthless. And such a pitiful creature is unable to give form to beauty.

Fighting with your own brain is tiring. Sleeping 12+ hours doesn't mean that you are well-rested. It also doesn't mean that you won't take naps during the day. And that after waking up from them, you still won't be exhausted. You feel weary, but you have no idea why – you certainly don't do anything significant.

You are not in control of your emotions. You feel awful and that's it, no way out of it, no way around it. It seems impossible to "cheer up", and hearing such statements only makes you feel guilty. Because you think you should have been able to express something else. To just switch your mood TV and turn on a different channel, that would be a dream scenario. Instead, you are constantly apologizing for existing and spoiling other people's moods.

Depression lies. It makes you feel worthless and guilty. You think that if you feel so hopeless and despaired, you must have done something to deserve it. And there's plenty of mistakes in your past. It locks you in your own mind and persuades it's for your own good. You believe it - why wouldn't you, it's your last friend. You can only think of yourself. You feel impure and beyond saving. It seems there's no hope.

Laying on the couch in your pyjamas is better than being dead. Crying for hours in the shower is better than being dead. Staring in the screen all day is better than being dead. It will always be better than being dead.

It's not alluring. It's beyond my comprehension why anyone would romanticize it (damn you, Bukowski!), but overwhelming sadness and self-loathing is not beautiful. It's gut-wrenching. Depression makes lovely people believe that they are hideous, and I hate it.

You have to celebrate little things because you are incapable of functioning like a normal human being. You brushed your teeth? Well done! Changed your sweaty clothes? That's great! Walked outside? What an achievement! You feel like a needy brat who asks for constant praises, and you hate yourself for it, and you feel stupid. And a bit grateful, because someone notices your struggle.

Antidepressants are not evil. They are not scary personality-altering drugs. They are not happy pills or a source of ‘artificial' happiness. Antidepressants are a type of medication designed to make you feel better when you are ill. They are just like any other medicine. They are not a sign of weakness. And taking them is your personal choice and no one else's business.

You can get attached to depression. It's your constant companion during the day, and it's your bedmate at night, so it's natural you form a relationship with it. Sometimes you've been so long depressed, you don't remember how it is to be free of its weight. You forget there's a sun, and birdsongs, and laughter. You've started to believe this void is your destined reality. You are scared of change, so you cling to it. Because as silly as that sounds, this depression is a safe house for you. You lived here so long that you know every corner of this dark cave. The vastness and freedom of free world overwhelm you. You prefer to stay here.

Recovery is freaking hard. It's long and complicated and sometimes seems pointless to keep insisting for. It's hardly a straightforward path – more like a bandy road, full of ups and downs, through the dark forest. In winter. Wearing slippers. It's basically never-ending series of playing tag with your brain. It doesn't happen over days or weeks. It's a gradual process, like with leaves falling down from autumn trees. One by one they dropped throughout the season and suddenly you realize there's none of them. The branches are bare. Then, on your good days, you will spend your precious well-being time on worrying how long it will last. And you will get knocked down. And you will say with satisfaction, I knew it!. And you will grit your teeth and stand up again. And you will get knocked down again. And again. And again. And again. And again. It won't get easier, but you will get up quicker every time because you remember to bring with yourself a rope to pull yourself up.

You want a manual about how to get your past life back, but you only have this stupid "I'm survivor" T-shirt. You feel stronger but cannot help to wonder when you will meet your foe again. This time, you will be better prepared for it. You can see the horizon.

I wish someone told me: "You have depression, but depression doesn't have you. It's an illness, not an identity. You are more than a medical term. You are more than a noun."

ValentineLove August 24th, 2015

Wow, Celaeno.

I'm struggling to find the words I so desperately want you to know. This was the most beautiful and well-written things I've read in a long time and it reached me to my very core. It almost brought me to tears how well you described it. You have a gift, dear, and I hope you never lose site of that. There's something special inside of you and I just know you're going to make such a difference. I believe you've already started.

You don't know what it means to me for someone else to say outloud that we get attached to our depression. You're absolutely right that no one tells us this. We're miserable and we hate it with every fiber of our being, and yet, it's familiar. It's what we know. The outside world is what is unfamiliar and there are days when I feel so disgusted by myself because I feel as if I'm not getting better because I'm too scared to let go. Depression is what I know. It's what I've always known.

Thank you for this. You have truly moved me and I am so grateful to have met you. You've truly made a difference in my life. I'm sure I'm not the only life you've touched simply by being you.

Celaeno OP August 24th, 2015

Lovely, kind @ValentineLove, you have no idea how much your words mean to me. Even I had no idea about the depth of this tie, until I read your response. I am a stranger to you, and yet I felt so moved, I almost cried. It's a strange thing, being understood in our struggles, across lands and oceans. It has a force to push aside depression from the center of your mind.

We so often believe our pain is ours alone. That we are doomed to live as the outcasts, without ever feeling connected. And yet, I read your lovely praise and I never felt more connected in my life. Suddenly I am understood and it's fresh and exhilarating and I want to cry, because for so long I haven't felt anything else than numbness.

I didn't realize how much my post could resonate with others. It's another proof that depression deceive us. We are never truly alone in our battles. And we know things no one want to talk about, for example like addictive is loneliness when you think it is the only thing you deserve. We have fears we fear are incomprehensible for others. But we can understand each other. And how powerful asset it is I've become to realize only recently.

Thank you for everything. (And in that last sentence I want to put all my gratitude, and hope, and dreams, and strength, because I have nothing else to give you. And you truly deserve everything.)


ValentineLove August 24th, 2015

Sweet @Celaeno, I'm so glad you were able to have this breakthrough today and were able to see first hand how much your words help others. You are a precious soul with a lot to offer and I hope we can continue to get to know each other more.

Hugs to you as well!

yzzil August 24th, 2015

Thank you for this eloquent post. It spoke to me and I felt everything you said, and wish the people around me could read this and understand what it feels like. Perfect description!!!!

Celaeno OP August 24th, 2015

@yzzil, you're too nice! I'm grateful for every of your kindest words. Hugs!

enthusiasticBlackberry3865 August 24th, 2015

Thank you for sharing this. Beautifully written and painfully true.

Celaeno OP August 24th, 2015

@enthusiasticBlackberry3865, I'm glad you liked it, even if the subject makes us so vulnerable. Sending hugs!

AdVictoriam August 24th, 2015

Thanks @Celaeno

Depression isn't won tomorrow. There's no panacea, no cure-all that makes things miraculously okay again.

But you can get better. Slowly. Week by week, month by month, you start feeling more emotions and the helplessness episodes seem more manageable.

If you're currently battling depression, consider journaling how often you feel good / bad each day or week. Track your progress! Having 1 episode instead of 2 a day might not feel like you're overcoming depression, but you are. You're getting there.

Celaeno OP August 24th, 2015

@AdVictoriam, thank you for kind words, and for the tip!

I already have a journal (of 5 years now) in which I express my feelings and track my depressive moods. But you just give me an idea to visualize this tracking, in a more eye-catching form, so I could be immediately encouraged just after a brief look at it. I'll try that ^^

GlenM August 24th, 2015

Very honest and clear thoughts on what depression feels like. Thanks for sharing!

Celaeno OP August 24th, 2015

Thank you, @GlenM! I appreciate you sacrifice your time to read it. Being heard is a very pleasant thing, so once again, big thanks ^^

Sherlock37 August 24th, 2015

Thank your @Celaeno for posting this. For the past month I've been depressed I guess and in denial. I don't have any way to get help for it and your post made me feel a lot better today.

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

@Sherlock37, I'm glad you understood yourself a bit better, as much as it is painful. I'm sorry you feel you don't have any resources. However you've reached to us, and that's a great sign of character, and also possible a source of hope. I saw you made a thread, and I'm so glad you did that. It was brave of you.

Remember that we will always listen to you, so don't hesitate to connect with a listener on 1-on-1 chat, or use support rooms. This community guide is also a good place to start. Talking about your feelings, creating a coherent narrative of your struggle is one way of warding yourself. You are already fighting, and you are doing a great job!

If you don't mind, I will also write something in your thread, even if my words seem small and insignificant, because I care about you. Sending you lots of hugs and freshly baked cookies! ^^

Sherlock37 August 25th, 2015

smiley That's fine! Thank you for the hugs and cookies! I think you and my mom were on the same wave length because she actually made cookies and had been trying to get me to eat them all day. Thanks for everything. I'm feeling a lot better today and I'm going to try to be a lot more active here on 7Cups.

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

Yep, those cookies were really from me, @Sherlock37 ^^ But honestly, I'm so happy you feel better. Every small victory counts. Hugs!

Sherlock37 August 25th, 2015


earswithfeet August 24th, 2015

Depression is something you have, it's not who you are. 🌻

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

@earswithfeet, you are absolutely right ^^ Thank you for reading it.

rhea752 August 25th, 2015

Thank you for this post. I could try to capture the words of why this meant so much to me. But them it would turn into a long, rambling, nonsensical reply. So for now, just know that this is very much appreciated and this made a pretty big difference in my day.

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

I really appreciate your response, @Rhea753. You don't sound nonsensical to me, but then again, maybe I'm nonsensical too ^^ I hope you are taking a good care of yourself!

Cadence August 25th, 2015

@Celaeno (I really hope I spelled that right), this post is brilliant, and even that's an understatement. As someone who goes through the relentless depression that you described (kudos to you, for being able to put words to something that I've had trouble explaining for a long time), it's just nothing short of amazing to see this thread.

My favorite part is: "You can get attached to depression. It's your constant companion during the day, and it's your bedmate at night, so its natural you form a relationship with it. Sometimes youve been so long depressed, you don't remember how it is to be free of its weight. You forget theres a sun, and birdsongs, and laughter. Youve started to believe this void is your destined reality. You are scared of change, so you cling to it. Because as silly as that sounds, this depression is a safe house for you. You lived here so long that you know every corner of this dark cave. The vastness and freedom of free world overwhelms you. You prefer to stay in here."

People will often ask me, "Why do you make yourself go through this?" In short, I don't. But I kind of do. It feels part of me. This just describes everything so perfectly. I'm a Celaeno fan, undoubtedly.

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

@Cadence, thank you so much for your praise! I think I'm blushing a bit... I'm still amazed how well my words resonate with others. This feeling of hopelessness and worthless isn't within us - it's a sly speaking of the mental illness. But it's hard to recognize where the depressions ends, and where we do.

I really appreciate your support and kindness. You are amazing, and even the despair of depression cannot take it from you. Stay grand!


TheSadFox August 25th, 2015

You can still smile. everything hurts or is numb and nothing's right and even though you don't want to or can't feel anything you cams till smile at things.

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

@TheSadFox, your words reminded me of a haiku by Kobayashi Issa:

In this world
we walk on the roof of hell,
gazing at flowers.

We all have personal hells, and we can't choose them, but we can choose our flowers. And I think that is the crux of any recovery. And living, for that matter.

yzzil August 25th, 2015

Celaeno I find your contributions, Both on the forum or in chats to be inspiring. Thank you for being here and sharing! 😊

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

Awww, you... Thank you for having me, @yzzily. If not for the lovely people, as yourself, I would be too uncomfortable to share anything. You are wonderful!

quietComputer9019 August 27th, 2015

No one tells you how lonely it can be. Especially when you're surrounded by people.

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

@quietComputer9019, you're right! That's why I like to come in here, to this great community, to connect with others. You are great, and you understand my pain. I love spending my time with you ^^


quietComputer9019 August 27th, 2015

To be honest, I just joined this community today - hours ago. I already feel less alone, and I appreciate how kind and welcoming you all are. Thank you.


Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

@quietComputer9019, oh, that's great! Let me officially welcome you then in 7 Cups ^^

So there's a lot of ways for you to connect with others. You can try 1-on-1 chat with a listener, or you can post in a group support room, or in forums. You can follow feeds to receive a great dose of daily inspiration, and also to participate in community challenges. You can let us know how do you actually feel today in depression support forum, too.

Oh, And you can also introduce yourself to others in this thread - it's a popular first stop for new members ^^

I'm really glad you reached out to us! I hope I will see you around ^^

Take care!

August 25th, 2015


You are a very dear person, and I'm amazed at how you have summed up so much I have wanted to say about this illness.

I think above all though, I admire how you managed to turn this post into a message of hope. I cleaned up my room after reading this. =P

"You want a manual about how to get your past life back, but you only have this stupid Im survivor T-shirt... You can see the horizon."

This got to me the most, because I've only just started getting help, and I haven't even gotten professional help yet. But my parents have been talking about "going back to normal", and I'm just wondering if that's possible, if this is really something that will disappear once I've gotten medicine.

I don't know if it will honestly. It doesn't seem likely and the feeling is that it won't, that things might get better, I might have more of a handle on my life, but it won't ever fully go away. I'm not sure if that's just the depression talking or if it'll actually be true. XD

I want a past life back, one where the pain isn't prevalent and I have the will to do what is necessary. But it's also comforting, realizing that I do have a past life, that things weren't always this way and maybe they won't have to stay the same.

I want to see a horizon and feel the fog lift. I'm afraid that my hopes will be dashed and the darkness will redouble if that light is extinguished.

But maybe there is a horizon.

So thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts. I wish you the best in your recovery.

Celaeno OP August 25th, 2015

@TactileTwistT, thank you! You're so kind. I really appreciate that you took your time to read it.

I'm glad you found hope in my post. To be honest, I've started writing it feeling frustrated and isolated from human kind. But as time passed, I turned and turned every word, and it brought me some relief. I guess I was already a different person after finishing it. Maybe more hopeful?

What's a normal life, one could asks... (But that's rhetorics, I know what you ask about. I avoid the question, because I'm lost and don't have answers.).

Your perspective of the past is admirable. You're absolutely right, the sense of having one is comforting - a kind of counterweight to the current pain. I personally didn't restore my past life. But I don't mind, because from the distance I can see it was a life full of misery and self-deception. I was wretched, in terms of emotional recognition. No matter how much I struggle now, at least I know the name of my monster. And for that I'm grateful.

Hmm... Our universe is bittersweet. So I guess depression must bear the likeness. Isn't the world a strange place?

Thank you for your wishes, which I heartily return.You are strong and wise, so I know you overcome your hardships and get your past back. I wish you all the best and I hope I will see you around. Lots of love! ^^

yzzil August 26th, 2015

@twist. I cleaned my room after reading these too. Lolol.

Small steps will keep us moving forward!! Hugs!

lightGlobe8412 August 26th, 2015

The things that people have said about depression is there a killer plus it does help people accomplish every day life

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

@lightGlobe8412, I'm glad that you think that way. It's a hopeful perspective ^^

Stay lovely, my beautiful friend. And take a good care of yourself!

TheSadFox August 27th, 2015

Another thing I've learned that no one ever told me was how angry Id feel sometimes. I go from sad to rage and then crash back to sad

Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

@TheSadFox, oh, yes- the rollercoaster of emotions! And it's so energy-draining, this constant switching back and forth, back and forth, to finally crashing down into the numbness. And it's amazing how much we can feel and at the same time be disconnected with our emotions.

Sending you hugs! Stay strong and kind, my lovely ^^

Roadie August 27th, 2015


At times like this, I wish a had a 1,000 forum upvote button available to me. Your post is absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing :)
Celaeno OP August 27th, 2015

@Roadie, you're words mean a lot to me. You're such a wonderful, compassionate being yourself, I feel most uplifted ^^ I love reading your posts on my feed and in forums. You have a great attitude towards life.

Thank you for taking your time to read it. You are truly wonderful! *hugs*

caitp8767 August 27th, 2015

You could gain 100 pound by trying to eat away the pain