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The Rabbit Hole

offthebeat April 25th, 2017

I'm back there again. The place that's so deep and dark, where the walls are nothing but dirt and stone that gather under my fingernails as I try to claw my way out. And eventually, I give up, because I know I can't climb out. That's how I feel right now. My husband is bi-polar, my entire family outside of myself has CP, my mother broke her ankle in two places bringing me something I needed because I was too weak to be able to leave the house and get it myself, money issues that are not of my doing are arising, and I sit here remembering when I had a family member I connected with so much but I don't talk to her anymore because she's so deep in her alcoholism she isn't the aunt I knew and loved. So I can't get help physically, when I need it, because my family is disabled, I am critized by strangers if I don't act a way I should around them, I don't want to burden my husband more when he is learning about his own issues, and I can't even get my meds stabalized because my doctor keeps wanting to change them or won't give me refills. This is so a TL;DR situation, but I'm at my wits end. I've lied down in the hole. I'm too exhausted to keep trying to climb anymore.

BlueBetta April 25th, 2017


BlueBetta April 25th, 2017

@offthebeat I'm sorry... that sounds really hard. You're at least talking about it though. That's a good thing, and it can be hard to talk sometimes. Don't ignore the fact that you came here and talked about it anyway.

Try not to blame yourself about your mom's ankle. It isn't your fault. It's okay to need time to lay in bed and get better. I'm sorry things have been so hard lately.

OrangeWarrior April 29th, 2017

I'm speechless. The only thing that comes to my mind is that I'm very sad to know you are having such a bad time. Know that you are not alone.