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Social Media Suicide

dreamycafelover June 10th, 2016

I just commited INTERNET suicide. I already decided to dectivate all my accounts (facebook, twitter, instagram) you name it. Just to stay away from my friends, so they're completely out of my sight, out my mind. I will also move in a new place this week. I wish I could truly start anew.

June 10th, 2016


I hope that goes well for you, hun! I know it can be difficult but you know your reasons to why you needed to do this and I totally respect it. I hope one day you can find peace and happiness. Sending you positive thoughts heart

dreamycafelover OP June 11th, 2016

@KindListening thank you! It's really hard because I also deleted memories there. But I know better what's best. I need to sacrifice what I have to to for my recovery. Thanks for your kind words!

June 11th, 2016


I'm sure you'll make many new happy memories, the old ones you can keep in your heart. You will always have our love and support! heart

EmoSkater June 10th, 2016

You're not the only one💗

I also deleted my facebook, and alot other accounts which I didn't want to delete.

Home situations so yeah...

Life isn't that easy🍃

Sometimes I wished that I could start my life again to not make mistakes..🌱

I was allowed to contact with boys and stuff..

Erm it get worse the situations and deleted evwrything i got. In 6 months 1000 friends..

Also deleted😢

Meh :/ -sigh- 😞

EmoSkater June 10th, 2016

I mean "Not" allowed. Lol ... *cough* ""<.<

dreamycafelover OP June 11th, 2016

@EmoSkater Hi there! I know mistakes and sadness are bound to happen. It's just that I think I can handle them better if I stayed away for awhile. I also deleted about 1000 friends. Anyway, some of them didn't even know me or I know of but don't talk to. Facebook is really meaningless. It just makes you more vulnerable. I'm tired of seeing thr vain posts there. And yeah totally, like you said, I'm free from home so I can do whatrever I want. *high five*

EmoSkater June 11th, 2016

YOUR SO LUCKYYYY :D im so happy for ya ahh.. enjoy of ur life lol ^-^" and I see haha.. mh.. :p