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Over it!

Sarai12487 November 1st, 2014

You know, someone can only take so much. I am so freaking tired! So done with feeling like nothing. Feeling like I am worth nothing more then dirt.

My uncle and mother say I am useless. You know I am starting to think I am. I hide in my house because of the anxiety, depression and anti social personality I have.

I am afraid to leave the house, because if I am judged so harshly inside of the house, I would be judged just as bad outside if not more.

I am so over it! I honestly just want to end it! I have no where to go, or no where to turn. I am just so tired...

Stem November 1st, 2014

You know what? You are amazing. You have kept fighting despite of those who try to get you down. You are strong, you truly are and you'll discover it when you start to believe in yourself. Anyone can tell bullshit about you but that's not true. You know it. Keeping go on, tell yourself how wonderful you are when anyone tells you the opposite.

Ember November 1st, 2014

Hello! :)

This sounds a lot like what I'm going through; you're not alone! :)

This must be a very hard time for you but you have to learn no one is perfect ,we all go through good and bad phases in our lives and they can effect us all in different ways .I understand how tough this is, and i'm tired too. Tired of being judged, laughed at, yelled at, tired of feeling empty and alone...just plain tired.

I can relate to the loss of confidence. I used to be rock solid as well, nothing most people say could hurt me. I just didnt care what a majority of people thought of me.

But now I do, I'm afraid. I feel everything is my fault. I fear messing up and getting blamed. I think it might be an age thing.

My family doesn't notice anything wrong with me, and I don't think I have depression, I just don't understand what's happening to me, I just need to talk to someone to find out what this feeling is.

I hope you talk to someone about how you're feeling, being aware that you need to talk is a really good step to getting happier, good luck on the journey!

Ember November 2nd, 2014

Hang in there! We're here for you! :)

ChamomileComfort November 2nd, 2014

"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here." -from Max Ehrmann's "Desiderata"

You are not useless. Your uncle and mother are fallible human beings. Just because someone says something, it is not automatically true - even if the someone is a loved one.

Isolating yourself is a common response to emotions such as generalizedanxiety, social anxiety, anddepression. You are not alone in that.

It must be terrifying to think that people will judge you so harshly. You seem to assume that others outside will treatyou the same way as the people inside your house. Can you remember times when you went outside the house and people were kind to you? What were they?

Could it be that youreallywant the anxiety and depression to end rather than your life? They are very painful emotional problems, but there are ways to help treat them.Remember that depression, especially with social anxiety,makes people feel isolated even when there are others who might want to help.

Do you think you could manage to get to a therapist or counselor? I know that would require going outside, which is hard for you, but you can start with a phone call to their office. If cost is an issue, there may be sliding scale or free mental health clinics nearby. Sometimes clinic web sites do not advertise these, but you can always ask!