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Job hunting depression

Shirokyun May 22nd, 2021

Hi, Blanc again. I seem to only post on 7cups when I truly hit my lowest lows.

I've just recently graduated college and my mental health has never not been a struggle. Since I moved away, I had to give up therapy and unfortunately do not have the finances to pick it up again. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the feeling "I wish the world would stop for a minute so I can catch a break" and that's basically what applies here. I had a therapist when I was in my darkest pit. She helped me out of it, but you know, as you grow older some problems go away, new ones rise etc. While I don't have some of the issues with my mental health I used to, the residue of others remains, stuff I still need help for.

And it's a lot harder to focus on healing those problems both without therapy and as an adult.

I've been applying for jobs in my industry with little luck. As someone with imposter syndrome, its easy to doubt your skill and believe someone is just being nice when they will you you do have talent. I don't know why but the rejections and applying really got to me today, I have been crying on and off for hours about it. Feeling talentless, like a failure, feeling unskilled.

It doesn't help that I feel 'too mentally ill' (if that's even possible) to even have a job. My schooling was extremely juggernaut and anti-mental health, they hammered into us that having depression was simply not an option in the workplace, and that we could be fired if we let it get to be too much. I've been kind of scared ever since. I don't think I'm emotionally stable for a job yet, but I need the money so I can have actual therapy again. I can't ask my parents for help because in my traumatic experiences, it only leads to more problems.

Sorry, thank you for reading this. I dunno I just want to feel like a person. I want to feel like my feelings actually matter and not always be told 'people have had it worse'. I want to be able to just get hired somewhere in my industry and feel like I have talent even if I don't. I want to be able to support myself and afford therapy again.

It's too much.

bigmac73 May 22nd, 2021

Hi Blanc, would you like a chat?

azasky May 22nd, 2021

Hi Blanc, First of all, I am so sorry that you're going through so much. Secondly, I hope you know that the doubts you have of your skills are just feelings and thoughts and not your facts. Maybe you can drop in for a chat with a listener too. Hoping you get through your challenges soon. <3

tallSailboat6591 May 22nd, 2021

Hey Blanc, firstly don’t apologise, your feelings are very valid. It sucks when people say that others have it worse - it’s not a competition and that’s not how emotions work anyways. A lot of the time when we feel down we overthink and sometimes we need to break that thought cycle by looking at the facts. Firstly, you’ve graduated! And that’s really a big achievement for people with mental health issues. Secondly, as someone who also has imposter syndrome it can be hard to seperate rejections from being personal and objective. The truth is there are many reasons why someone could be rejected from a job even if they have the right skills. Thirdly, I know it’s hard to stop the world but take some time to breathe and relax in your day, you deserve it. I may not know you but I believe in you and I believe you will be able to find a job too.

wishfulRose80 May 23rd, 2021

Hey, thanks for being open and honest with us here. Job hunting is so hard, especially nowadays with the oandemic and all. And struggling with mental health issues only make it worse. Believe me, I know. You are not alone in this. Let's get through it one day at a time. Please feel free to watch this encouraging video: