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Is this it

Alsupaz3220 November 4th, 2015

I feel done, to the brink. I would kill myself if it wasnt going to be such a burden and embarrassment to my family and myself. "Really? He killed himself just because of that?" "Wow, thats kinda pathetic" "im not saying suicide is funny but come on, haha what a loser"

Is there any hope left for me? Is there an ACTUAL reason to live? Dont tell me to live just to live, what point is that?

I dont think anybody around me has any idea that im like this. God i feel so clear headed when im this low, in my other states Im just blinded to my misery. There is no change if no price is paid.

bananer2883 November 4th, 2015

I feel the exact same way. Other "normal" people don't get it.

I'm sick of hearing people tell me it'll get better. When? When is it my turn? There are so many people out there that get everything they want. I just want one thing - ONE MOTHER FUCKING THING to make me happy. Is that so hard to ask??

I shouldn't have to sit there and make a small list of things that I did well this week. I should be able to feel like I've done something worth while without having to think about it.

I agree. I'd end it all today if it weren't too scared that it wouldn't work. Then I'd have to live with the shame of being "the girl who sucks at life so bad she couldn't even die right."

Alsupaz3220 OP November 4th, 2015

I just wish i could go somewhere secluded and die unnoticed. Nobody to "mourn" me and everyone just go on like they are. I dont want others to fell sad or happy that I left, just indifferent like "oh yea i havent seen him in a while" i dont want anyone at my funeral

lynsay31 November 4th, 2015

Hi, I know how both of you feel because I have felt like that time and time again. I am 37 years old and it still feels like I have not done anything with my life but on the bright side my family only popped out many children in an already over populated world. I thought that by now I would have a plan in place for my life but I was wrong. I have thought about suicide but only so the constant pain of this life would end. Fortunately for me, I am just too lazy to follow through with anything in my life. I would love to say that it gets better but lately it is just a suck fest of broken dreams. Maybe the new year will bring new hope to all of us.

November 5th, 2015

No one can really know, or understand any of your suffering. You are each individuals, with different circumstances that bring you where you are today.

I firmly believe that we are all suffering in one way or another, some may hide it better but it is there beneath the surface.

Even though each of us suffers uniquely we are communally joined by the desire to find the cessation of our suffering. We do this, usually, without truly looking towards the cause, so we often try and 'make ourselves' happy with things that do just the opposite. (I'm thinking about all the things people abuse to 'distract' themselves from 'shiny objects' to alcohol & drugs, to food, to sex-- just to name a few.)

So, then what? (That's the million dollar question.) We must find it in ourselves to offer ourselves patience, love, kindness, and grace. There is no one more deserving than you. If you need some type of help (that is not harmful), go for it. My first five years of therapy were two 1-hour sessions with a psychiatrist at an outpatient facility. During that time I journaled every day, began going much deeper into my religious leanings, and gave up anything that might be addictive. (I abused alcohol & opiates prior to my treatment.)

That was almost 15 years ago. I still see a therapist, although once every other week now and I am able to work. In no way am I suggesting my method for anyone!!! That door was for me, and me alone.

All I suggest is to do what you need to do to get 'on the path'. It is the trip that is Joyous, not the destination. Will you fall? Of course; we all do. It is just a 'bookmark' where you reevaluate things and then move forward.

It is a 'path' & not a destination, in my opinion. Am I successful even most of the time? I'm probably not, but I am trying. I smile at people for no reason. (You never know when you are creating a memory for someone, and for the others, it just confuses the heck out of them.

TL;DR-- We are all in this together. Be patient and kind with yourselves. Don't try to distract your pain with things that only bring more pain. Smile. Enjoy the ride.

I am

ivoryGlobe5931 November 5th, 2015

I agree with u jiff. I feel the same way as you. As i was typing lenghty thread here sudden vanished everything lol. See how unlucky im. But no worries i do post about life in some other time here. Its burden free feeling when we share with right people.

November 6th, 2015


No worries about the lost post. I believe that built into every beautiful vase is a broken vase. It is just the way of our world.

We are all on this down hill ride together. Rather than wondering how we got to the top of the hill, we might as well enjoy the ride!

ivoryGlobe5931 November 6th, 2015

Yes jiff all you said is so true. Thank you for your reply. Happiness always.