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I'm a mess (vent)

NebulousCoffee October 26th, 2016

I'm 110% a mess right now. I'm tired all the time and it takes all of my energy to get through the day. I'm taking all honors classes and I'm doing the bare minimum for all of my work because I have no motivation or energy. I feel like I'm drowning. Each day that I feel disconnected from class I'm getting farther and farther behind and it's going to catch up to me soon. The problem is that I am getting help but it's not doing anything. I'm on meds and seeing a therapist but if anything, I've only gotten worse since then. Some of my friends have tried to be supportive when they found out about my self harm or when I had trouble with restrictive eating habits, but it's getting to a point that my friends are done with dealing with me and I have no drive to fix things. My parents say they want to help but whenever I'm showing any type of symptom of depression or anxiety they just get annoyed (which is understandable because I can be really irrational and they don't understand that but still) all I want to do is sleep or die or something. I don't know what to do. I don't know what will help me or how to get that help. Aahh

PinkDahlia22 October 26th, 2016


I cant give you any advice, but i want to teell you i understand and im in the same place emotionally, i want to make sure you know that you aren't alone and you are so strong for facing all this and still being here, give yourself credit. I reccommend trying not to take big steps at a time maybe just tip toe slowly baby steps. taking it slow and easy. you are doing so well i know it can feel overwhelming and you can feel so powerless. I am always here if you need to chat, i cn talk through forums of teen support chats. if not thre are many listeners that are here to offer an ear. stay strong! Keep fighting!

squidbob101 October 26th, 2016

@NebulousCoffee hey, I'm really sorry to hear your in such a state. Have you tried talking to one of our listeners here? Maybe it will help you get things off your chest :)

imaginativeHuman5462 October 26th, 2016

I'm a mess it's been 7 months since my anxiety got real bad and i still haven't even been further then the store at the end of the street and i don't Know what to do...

squidbob101 October 27th, 2016

@imaginativeHuman5462 I hope you get through this, believe in yourself ❤