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I'm Depressed and My family doesnt think depression is real

User Profile: funnyTalker8413
funnyTalker8413 July 13th, 2015

I have severe depression, and probably cyclothymia and dysphoria, but my parents don't believe in depression. They think its an excuse, that I'm just inactive and lazy. My sister made fun of me at DINNER for always "making sad faces", in front of them, but they didnt say anything to defend me. My mother has previously bad-mouthed people who do suicide, and I just!!?? Feel hurt, and alone. They expect so much, but because of my depression, I cant come up to what they want, and there all really harsh

User Profile: Lucym88
Lucym88 July 13th, 2015

Hello funnyTalker. I'm so sorry you're going through this, must be so frustrating. Unfortunately there are some people who think depression isn't "real", that we should just get on with it. As much as you probably don't want to and their understanding is limited, I would try and get them involved with what you are going through. Perhaps take them with you when you attend the doctors? Or talk to them afterwards?

User Profile: Jessica797
Jessica797 July 13th, 2015

I can relate to this so much. I've suffered from depression in the past and unfortunately it has returned this year and over the weekend I actually admitted to my father I was depressed and ever since he's treated me as if I've dishonoured the family, and even tonight because I got upset he told me to shut up, that it's my fault I'm depressed more a less. It was the same ten years ago, I had a nervous breakdown due to bullying and although my mother supported me, and is now again, my father turned round and said. "Oh great, a nutcase in the family!" It hurt me and still does to this day. To some people, depression is a weakness, but it's not. It's an illness just like the common cold, and in time, with treatment and care, it will subside. I scared myself right now, but if I could do it once, I can do it again, and if I have that strength, so do you. Take care of yourself, okay, because right now, all that matters is you!

User Profile: AtYourService
AtYourService July 14th, 2015

Oh man, that's super rough and no one should have to go through anything like that. Are there people who your parents respect who they might pay attention to? For example, some people might pay more attention if their favourite celebrity has things to say about depression