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Livefree111 January 4th, 2020

I feel like all i care about is my appearance and because Im not as beautiful as other peaople that i see, it makes me feel so worthless and depressed. Im jealouse and i try not to be. I dont know how to love myself because Ill never add up to the appearance i want.

tig1234 January 4th, 2020


something i found super helpful for this was journaling. writing what im grateful for abojt myself and what i can do to improve my view of myself (making a balanced diet, cooking new healthy recipes and working out to name a few) and then writing every day something i did to work towards that and how it went.

you can do this, the voice in your head is not always your friend but you can be your friend and ignore it.

driftingship January 4th, 2020


Looking like others means to be a follower, looking like yourself means to be original and authentic, free...getting out of the flock/herd mentality or stopping comparing yoursels to others and models allows you to grow freely on your own path...