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I Cant Stop Self Triggering

anabellamia1189 February 27th, 2020

ive had depression for a while, and recently i just cant stop self triggering with videos, text posts and other harmful content. i know it isnt helping my overall mental state but it fascinates me how quickly i can turn. please give advice for how to stop doing this, im lost and i dont know what to do

LandOfHopesx3 February 27th, 2020

Hi there @anabellamia1189
I am sorry to hear you are feeling lost!heart I have been through depression as well and I can relate to the feeling of getting stuck in that loop of wanting to feel sad or depressed, like hearing sad music when you feel okay just because it doesn't feel right. I kinda got familiar with my depression and it was like a safe spot to me because I didn't know how to react to other feelings besides feeling depressed. I can not give you advice because what works for me may not work for you, but I tried to stop overthinking, getting my brain or myself busy with physical activity or other things I enjoyed investing my time in, I tried meditation and consults with a therapist. How do you think you can cope with these feelings? What do you think might help you?

anabellamia1189 OP March 3rd, 2020


im not sure what might help, maybe just trying to control those urges more. i hope your doing ok

Imheretohelp101callmechara February 27th, 2020


I have a problem with this too. I make an effort to always keep my coping mechanisms in close proximity. And I always try to think before I act. Really think these things through " I know this will hurt my mental state" maybe write a note to yourself, or maybe make a mental connection to a bracelet ir ring that reminds you " stop, think about what you're trying to do"

anabellamia1189 OP March 3rd, 2020


yeah i think thats a good idea. i have these bracelts that i can associate in that way so thanks!

Imheretohelp101callmechara February 27th, 2020

My parents won't let me seek help ( this has some trigger warnings) I've never felt with severe depression or anxiety but I've had problems with self harm, stopped by my own accord without my parents there to support me, and relapsed and was then caught after a bad night and a pencil sharpener got the best of me. Even after this and knowing that I was going through something and that I have gone through stuff before, I have hypersensitive hearing and auditory processing issues that sometimes trigger a panic attack but no matter how many times I ask my mum still won't take my requests to go to therapy seriously! What should I do?

LandOfHopesx3 February 28th, 2020


Hi there chara!

I am sorry to hear about your strugglesheart I am glad to see that you are seeking support. Have you tried talking to your mom about this? What are her reasons for not letting you to get therapy?

DistortionHeart February 28th, 2020

there are some times where sleeping just helps when I become too overwhelmed with everything around

orangeWatermelon5586 February 28th, 2020

I get so caught up with the world dying and all the negitive things that I just get to where I say what's the point this isn't going to matter and then I just get really depressed and then I don't know what to do any advice other than look at the bright side