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How do you continue with your life when you're depressed?

DreamHope December 23rd, 2015

I've been in a depressive state this month. Every morning when I wake up, my brain constantly reminds me of that I haven't done, what I should've done better and all my past imperfections and mistakes. It was better in the first half of the month, considering it was exam week in my school and I had something to focus on rather than my own negative thoughts. But now exams are over, school has closed down for Christmas, and I've practically lost all motivation to clean up my messy table or do the homework assigned over the holiday. There's this overwhelming feeling of sadness, and I can't focus, and I feel like crying for no reason at all. All I want to do is to lay in bed for the whole day, and mope around about my depression. But I feel like I have no legimitate reason to be sad at all, and I'm not sure if it's just an excuse to be lazy. But the feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt and worthlessness are still here. My family planned a trip to Taiwan, we're leaving tomorrow but I don't feel like going and I don't really wanna go and pack.

Long story short: am I experiencing depression or am I just being lazy and ungrateful? And how do you find motivation to continue your daily activities when you're feeling really sad? Now that school's out for the holidays, I don't see any point in putting up a façade. It takes too much energy to do so.

Cheeney December 23rd, 2015

You're not lazy and ungrateful. Seems to me like you are experiencing depression and it could be worth it to tell your parents and make a doctors appointment. I want you to know that it's okay to have depression and it's nothing to be ashamed about. Even if you think you don't have a ''valid reason'' to be depressed. Depression is an illness and should be treated as so, that's why I highly recommend you talk to someone and seek professional help.

About the daily life activities, I find that what helps me is making to do lists. Everyday before you go to bed make a small list of things you would like to do the next day. This could range from tasks like cleaning your desk to fun things like meeting up with a friend. If you find your motivation lacking, set a reward for yourself when you do these things. And if you don't complete them for whatever reason, there's always tomorrow.

CatPlum24 December 28th, 2015

Aww you sound depressed like me :(

RanbirShah2016 December 28th, 2015

I think it's important to understand that sadness and happiness are a part of the same coin. Don't run from your inner self. Embrace the pain and it will pass and you will be a better and more experienced person. #shadesoflife.