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Hey, l'm very lonely, and need someone.

charmingBeechwood1248 September 18th, 2016

I work as a freelance translator so I have to work alone in front of the computer, and have a few direct conversations with others. I have a few friends, too. This week is going to be a lonely time for me. Sometimes, I feel so down. I hope to have someone who understand me.

TimeTravelPenguin September 18th, 2016

@charmingBeechwood1248 Loneliness is a tough thing to overcome. If you aren't able to socialise in your spare time, I recommend doing something you enjoy, or try something new. Some recommendations would be learning to cook new recipes, going for a drive out to look at new shops in a nearby area, and if you have the finance, maybe spoiling yourself from time to time. If you're lonely and can't help it, you should cherish what you can.

AndrewACT September 18th, 2016

@charmingBeechwood1248 TimetravelPenguin made some good suggestions. Also take advantage of the listeners here on 7 cups. We're here regardless of why you need to talk to someone :).

GRYFFINDOR22 September 18th, 2016

@charmingBeechwood1248 I can definitely relate to feeling lonley. I'm home by myself most of the time and I'm usually not the best company to myself if that makes sense. Do you have a pet? Or would you consider getting one? I'm not going to say its like human companionship, and it's not always constant, but knowing that they rely on you and when they want your attention I find it helps. But what I'm trying to work on is being comfortable with myself. Knowing that I'm enough. Yes i enjoy being with others but it isn't crucial to my happiness, because sometimes even if you are trying to get out there and make friends, it just doesn't click. I don't want to discourage you I'm just saying maybe try making friends with yourself. You might be surprised.