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Having relationship issues... he has depression..

CareForYou19 January 25th, 2020

Hi everyone,

I want to first mention that this may be long, but I will keep it as short as I can... I am dating this guy for the past 6 months and am completely in love with him. We both connected in a deep level and also know about each other's past. I have dealt with quite a lot, as he knows, and I know that he has also had a rough past. I know that many of the reasons to why he acts a certain way is because of what he went through, but lately, things have gotten a little hard.

In the beginning, he was completely happy and open with me. We didn't have arguments or anything of that sort. He was also very open to discuss and talk about certain things that I tried helping him get through. Now, his depression has come back but even stronger... he is unhappy most of the time, gets angry over the smallest things, doesnt open up, accuses me of things that I never do, and also has suicidal thoughts... I feel absolutely hopeless because I dont know how to help him. I have tried geting him to open up and to know that he has me through whatever he goes through, I tried telling him to talk to someone, I have done it all... when I ask him to talk to me and tell me what his thoughts are, he tells me to stop pushing and to stop making him talk when he doesn't want to. I try to tell him about life and how it can have ups and downs but there is so much to be grateful for, but he doesn't care and tells me to not say things when I don't understand...

I know that he is facing a lot in his mind but I just always get attacked when I try. And I will be on the phone with him and suddenly he will accuse me of talking to someone else or cheating on him when I NEVER CHEATED or done ANYTHING unfaithful to him or my past relationships. I try reassuring him but when he is mad he just doesn't listen... is this also part of depression? Does anyone have experiences like this in a current or past relationship?

What I am here for is to know how to handle someone who is depressed. What can I do to better support and understand him without making him feel like I'm "pushing"? How can I help someone who is depressed? What do I do when he is suicidal? And what can I do about the accusations? I try reassuring him and doing everything to help him see that im not doing anything, yet its like it goes from one ear and out the other. (he also knows about my past where I was constantly cheated on and he knows how I feel about infidelity).

Please any advice will be greatly appreciated, I love him and want him happy, and I know many of you may say to not be in a relationship that will mentally make me go downhill and drained, but I can't. I know about his past and will never let him face anything alone, and I absolutely love him.

Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

Yassinlee January 25th, 2020


Hello dear ,well first I want to thank u for helping this human who happens to also be you boyfriend you are doing a great jobyes ,I think you should let him know that you are still with him for no reason except your love for him and that there is nothing holding u from leaving him but you didn't because u love him so he needs to take out the idea of cheating out of his head .I also think that saying a specialist wouldn't be a bad idea ,you should convince him ,finally stay strong heartand be careful to not get hurt

CareForYou19 OP January 28th, 2020

@Yassinlee thank you for your reply! I have tried telling him to talk to someone but he wont :/

JamesHalvorson February 4th, 2020


How do you find out when he's suicidal? If you aren't phyisically near him when you usually find out, then it might help if you try to visit as soon as you can, rather than just responding over phone/internet. Either way, if he doesn't want to talk, then just make it obvious you want to be there next to him, even if you have to take some unearned accusations. If he liked you making eye contact or holding him before, then try that

I dunno if this would help though, as my last relationship was kinda similar, in that she would take my comments and accuse me of doing something I didn't mean. I never figured out why she thought like this, but my suggestion would work on me though

(I made this account just to reply here so whee)