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Had enough

coffeehog May 28th, 2016

I have had enough today im tired and feel down i got an 18 hour shift ahead of me and feel like just going home and not going or doing anything. Im starting to think i made a mistake leaving my previous job for this one.

I have started cutting again after being clean for 5 months. I feel like a total failure.

DeborahUK May 28th, 2016


You stopped cutting for five months before're not a failure at all! Wow, do you realise how much you achieved to manage that? And so you've slipped up now, but you know the great thing about life? You can try again! You get second, third, fourth, infinite chances.

As for your 18 hour shift, that is daunting. Is it even legal? If you're in Europe, it wouldn't meet the restrictions of the Working Time Directive. However, you're facing it, and I understand why you may feel like not even bothering. BUT, imagine the sense of achievement when you get through it. So why not go and face the day, and you can look for a different job with a renewed sense of achievement if you feel this one isn't for you.

And you always have coffee to help you through it, you hog :)

coffeehog OP May 28th, 2016

@DeborahUK well funny enough i got a letter inviting me to an interview to be a supervisor at a flying start centre which im hoping i get. At the moment im a care worker going round peoples houses. I like the job its just the long days not seeing kids.

DeborahUK May 28th, 2016


I imagine that is a very rewarding job, but like you say, eighteen hours is a long stretch if you have children. Good luck with the interview, and stay positive. You're doing great!