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Grief... loss of a parent

hljourney May 1st, 2016

My step-mom passed away February 16th ... I can't breath, I can't see straight. She has been in my life since I was 5 y/o! My brother moved in with her and my father when he was 12 y/o... seeing him tear up at the end of the memorial - I couldn't handle it. I'm do worried about my brother. But know I have to focus on myself to b/c I lost myself for about two weeks... not wanting to get out of bed... only long enough to get my son off to school - to return to bed, more migraines coming, just thinking this was normal for me... more anxiety attacks roll in. I find myself wanting to pick up the phone to call mom and tell her this or that ... but she's not there to share it... so I want to call her husband (as my father left her - bringing a better man into our family!) but I don't want to upset him either. So lost, torn, confused, angry and hurt.

This too brings back all the memories of the loss of my step-dad. So hard...

So thankful she went quickly and did not suffer! But why? Why her? Why him?

broken heart H

IBRAHIMKHAN May 1st, 2016

Its a reality that every one have to die in this making ourself sad we can't call them back..... we have to pray for them and continue our life.....its the part of life.....

hljourney OP May 1st, 2016

@IBRAHIMKHAN I'm not making myself sad ... I try my best to remember the good times. Then just to distract myself with other things, I've dealt with much loss in my life as before I was disabled I am a caregiver to the elderly and autistic community. I was also in hospice care previous to that. I've had depression since my early teens... it's just the loss of a parent is so much harder then anyone realizes

Just as the loss of a child is even a total different kind of loss and hard way... concept to deal with.

Got to breath!

May 1st, 2016

@hljourney I've never lost a parent, but I can imagine the pain must be tough. You have every right to be sad and to feel the way you do. Being sad and mourning is part of the grief process that everybody goes through. Have you found ways to cope with the grief and pain? Sometimes talking it out and allowing yourself to feel the pain, can be an active part of healing.

I'm so very sorry for your loss, and I hope you can find support and comfort here at 7cups. heart

hljourney OP May 1st, 2016

@KindListening I have not found ways to cope, why I posted here. As support has not been found... my dr sent me a flyer for a group grief counseling - but it was from last year & the number is disconnected! I've been home-bound since July mostly due to seizures and migraines (just began driving again on Tuesday!). So venturing back out into the world... trying to reconnect with friends - talk things out, I know I need to... it's hard to know who to trust ?!? Praying the seizures stay away, the migraines get under control and maybe eventually I can get a job again... trying to stay positive.

May 1st, 2016


Well, talking to friends and family can be a way to cope with a loss. It sounds like you are staying focused on what you need to do, which I'm sure is occupying your mind. Sometimes just keeping up with the ordinary chores of life can be a struggle but also rewarding in the end with our persistence to endure. I know when I lost my grandmother, keeping up with doing my ordinary deeds was a great struggle. I am also a person who is housebound due to disability, so I understand your struggles. It can feel very lonely and be isolating at times, and I know 7cups has helped me tremendously with staying connected with the outside world.

It probably doesn't seem like you're doing much or maybe you're frustrated with staying positive but let me commend you on what you are doing right now. It will take awhile to feel like your life has some normalcy and happiness again but I honestly believe you are on the right track. heart

hljourney OP May 1st, 2016

@KindListening heart Thank you