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Oxatnik March 21st, 2019

So my Mum has been down for a year now. We dont exactly know whats wrong with her. Shes on treatment but it doesnt seem to be helping. 😩

Ive also not been working since the year begun so the piling expenses and too much time on my hands for my monsters to consume me finally took a toll. Yesterday, I did something I hadnt tried in 8 years. I wanted to gently go to sleep and never wake up and I almost achieved that. Almost. Someone called to check up on me and noticed I sounded funny on the phone so they came home and... here I am.

Yes, Im aware Im posting this using my Listener account, no I dont need help, yes, Listeners have problems too. Stop presenting us like were robots who arent supposed to feel anything unless were signed into our member accounts!

Anyway, I feel so helpless not being able to help my Mum in any way whatsoever. Shes always been my rock and now that rock is crumbling and I dont know what to do. 🥺🥺🥺

lovelyWhisper66 March 21st, 2019

@Oxatnik Hey Oxa, I appreciate you reaching out. I can't imagine what you and your loved ones are going through. It can be heartbreaking to see parents in such a state, and it is so hard to be strong for them in adidtion to yourself. You are absolutely right; listeners are humans, and we too have feelings. You are welcome to connect with a listener via a guest/member account if you ever need someone to chat with. Please do take the time for self care. Best wishes! *hugs if you are okay with it* :)