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samd136 May 23rd, 2018

I feel empty. Everything seems like my fault. Nothing works out for me. I just dont want to try anymore.

Carly23 May 25th, 2018


Hey there. First, I want to say how much I feel for you, being in that really low place. You didn't share much, but from what you did share, it sounds like you're dealing with an incredible amount of stuff. Feeling like everything bad that happens is your fault has to be one of the most isolating experiences, and I can't blame you for wanting to be done with it. I wish I could say or do something to change your situation and pull you out of the low place you're in. All I can do is tell you that you're strong for coming here and sharing some of what's going on, and I'm really rooting for you. Try to hang in there.


samd136 OP May 25th, 2018


thank you!

blossombreathe May 25th, 2018


I really do hope things get better for you soon :3 Feeling empty is such a horrible feeling >.< But I believe you can make it through! Keep going lovely

samd136 OP May 26th, 2018


thank you 😊