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Do my parents care?

Darkpelt11 January 28th, 2019

Hello! I'm trying to answer a question; do my parents care? My parents figured out I was suicidal after I told my school that I attempted to kill myself after a mental break down. My parents were very upset and I had to apologize many times for telling the school and making the school let me go to therapy. I felt bad and told my parents not to care about it because they were so upset and mean to me after I told the school. The school suggested that my parents make sure I was watched when making food and stuff. Which meant no more fun things, like cooking, crafting or anything. So I just apologized and had my parents forget all about the fact that I'm suicidal. My girlfriend is now really worried for me because I told her I had a bottle of poison in my room and said my parents should have made sure I was safe and they don't care. Do my parents not care or am I the toxic person who ruined their lives by telling my school?

redLime8841 January 28th, 2019

@Darkpelt11 I'm so proud of you for telling your school! It was very brave of you to tell someone. Get rid of the poison in your room! You can fight this battle. Just know that you are not alone. I'm here for you if you need to talk!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Darkpelt11 OP January 28th, 2019

@redLime8841 thank you! I'll move the poison.

redLime8841 January 28th, 2019

@Darkpelt11 I'm so proud of you for moving the poison! You can get past this. We are here for you.πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

WillHernandez January 28th, 2019

I once was venting a lot online and my sister in law got scared and told my parents, who sent me to the hospital for 2 days to keep me under watch and it was awful going.

Afterwards my mom came in and we talked a bit since I couldn't do or go anywhere else and I was just too tired to fight being honest so I told her about how much anxiety I have under them and she actually apologized for how she and my dad raised me earlier growing up...

I think parents do care, but they have trouble showing it sometimes because they're human too...

Darkpelt11 OP January 28th, 2019

@WillHernandez thank you, that's very supportive of your parents. I have told them a few times but mainly just tell me I'm an awful person. But I'm getting braver and trying.

WillHernandez January 28th, 2019

@Darkpelt11 take your time, but remember you've got it in you, I belief in you πŸ‘πŸ½β™₯️