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Crying 😭

Sunny0611 April 26th, 2021

Does anybody else think their crying is becoming a problem. I cry multiple times a day. Different things set me off. People being mean, people being kind, compliments, when someone doesn’t understand me, when I get frustrated at work. Sometimes tears roll down my face and I have no idea why 😅 I can’t help but be embarrassed and feel weak, especially when I’m bursting into tears in professional settings. My partners family call me over emotional and I’m to nice for my own good. I am on antidepressants. I don’t want to up my dose if I can avoid it as when I do I feel numb. Does anyone else feel like this? Any advice on how to work on it?

DaisyBeeBlooming April 27th, 2021

@Sunny0611 Hello there, I am so sorry to read this but it is highly relatable and understandable. I have had crying spells in the past that were worrisome but I knew why. I am on antidepressants as well but I still have good and bad days. When I first started antidepressants, my moods were shifting pretty hard and I was crying a bit but once it got in my system, my moods were a little better. I have had to switch out meds due to side effects and if what you are taking is making you worse, listen to your body. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and what you are experiencing. You may need to be prescribed something else. I have made the mistake of thinking I could do just fine without taking antidepressants. I went 1 year off meds, I was no okay at all. Antidepressants + Talk Therapy= Improvement in Mental Health. It's when you get to the bottom of what's really causing your tears is when you start solving the problem. I hope this helps.Try to find things that are comforting to you like a pillow, heating pad or soft blanket. I send you warm hugs, lots of love and comfort🌻

Sunny0611 OP April 27th, 2021

Thank you Brittany. I have received talking Therapy in the past and really benefit from it. Unfortunately I was only given 12 sessions so I’m currently on the waiting list in my local area so hopefully I will receive an appointment soon. My antidepressants also make me clench my teeth, have bad dreams and sweats. Plus all this crying I think you’re right. Maybe my meds need adjusting or swapping. Thank you so much for advice. I’ve stuck a hoodie on for now as I’m at work but when I get in tonight I’m going to have a bath and watch a movie in bed. 💕😍

DaisyBeeBlooming April 27th, 2021

@Sunny0611 Sounds like a good idea to me! Well until then, 7 Cups will be your talk therapy. I hope work was good and I hope you felt a little better after having a bath and movie night☺

Sunny0611 OP April 27th, 2021

7 cups has been a huge support for me this week. It been a real gamer changer for me. 😄 My bath was incredible. Just what I needed. Thank you

DaisyBeeBlooming April 27th, 2021

@Sunny0611 Also, you are allowed to feel what you are feeling. You don't have to be strong 24/7. Whoever says your being overly emotional are the one's who have no emotions. Your words and feelings are very much valid. You are safe here🌻

Sunny0611 OP April 27th, 2021

Thank you. It really effected me when I was told that. It makes me doubt everything I feel or interpret. I question whether I’m being dramatic, as I have been told by those same people that I take things the wrong way. If someone makes a joke which involves me I feel attacked or picked on. Maybe because I feel vulnerable at the moment. I do take things to heart. But I feel like my feelings aren’t valid

Curlyheart April 27th, 2021


so relatable ! I used to be really bad when I was younger. Now I still cry just not quite as much.

Sunny0611 OP April 27th, 2021

Glad to Know I’m not alone 😅

Sunny0611 OP April 27th, 2021

I hope you’re ok x