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And now I'm alone

tattooedhiker252 April 2nd, 2020

In college, I wasn't very social. I was in a bad relationship that trapped me, and I didn't reach out, join clubs or make many friends.

I was able to make 2 very good friends though. We'll call them K and L. K and I did shows together, hung out a lot. She ended up returning to her home country after graduation and we lost touch.

I was much closer to L than anyone else. We were the same major, had so many of the same interests, we ended up getting as close as we were on a study abroad trip we did together and I made her join the rowing team with me so we suffered and froze together! We stayed in touch after graduation, she went abroad to earn a graduate degree which involved a lot of time in areas with little to no reception doing research. I didn't peruse my degree (something I often regret) and took a job in retail management.

I went down a rabbit hole of depression at that time. But L and I still emailed back and forth. Sometimes there would be months between responses but we still spoke. At my darkest times, I was ashamed to tell her what was going on in my life, so I just wouldn't respond to her email. I kept telling myself that once something interesting happend, I would email her. Nothing happened for another 6ish months. I finally emailed her back and waited for her. 4, 6, 8 months pass. A year passes and nothing. I sent L a follow up. Another 6 months go by and nothing.

Today I emailed 1 last time. I'm afraid my best friend has outgrown me. It hurts so bad.

Jem7Cups April 3rd, 2020

Hi @tattooedhiker252,

I'm so sorry that you feel your friend has outgrown you. Sometimes friends drift apart, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot save the friendship (I'm not saying this is what's happened, but it does happen).

Please don't punish yourself. You've tried everything you can to savour what you and your friend had. It could be that they're incredibly busy and just don't have the time to respond. Or they simply could've changed their email address and forgotten to tell you. Can you contact them any other way?

In times like these, we're all overwhelmed. So it's important to put yourself first and to take care. I hope you're doing both. Sorry I could not be of more help to you.

Jem 💜

barncat April 3rd, 2020

@tattooedhiker252- do you have other friends/family or support systems now. Be easy on yourself- I also did not finish my next college degree- best to forgive yourself. easier said than done. keep in touch- we care- you are NOT alone during these times. Hugs